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SanandaexpansionenergyfieldGreetings Beloveds,

In the passing of times and the knowing of all things, your soul has made detours of sorts, and has been on the sidelines so to speak, while your physical self experienced the world of your making.

It is not to say that you have devolved—you have merely chosen to experience life in a different realm.

Now the time is nigh for your soul to make itself known, and so all of you, in various stages, are integrating your souls and enjoying that divine spark of Christ Consciousness, of Source Consciousness, more fluently and steadily within your lives.

With the recent and ongoing flood of Light and Lightcodes, you are integrating very nicely, and rising in vibration to levels unheard of before. You are experiencing a lift in your consciousness that can only serve to enhance your experiences and those of others around you to a great degree. Read the rest of this entry »

divine emergence5.jpgLady Nada and Lord Sananda:


Greetings Beloveds. It is with deep heartfelt joy that we enter your consciousness to deliver you a message this day.

Much has traversed in your world. Much change has taken place and, beloveds, you have gained such momentum in your Love Offerings and in the rise of your individual vibrations. You are becoming so adept at raising your level of vibration and your consciousness that it (the rise) may not be as detectable by you as in early days of your ascension process.

You are much more comfortable in this new plateau of high vibration and consciousness. You welcome it now with open arms and it shows in the glow of your Beingness and in the acts you choose to make, and in the overall feeling of joy and bliss that many of you feel in spite of all the chaos taking place in your world now.

And beloveds, please understand that this chaos is necessary. It is necessary in order for the world to make the changes it needs to. It is necessary for the rise in consciousness in the general human collective, and it is necessary in order for you to discern how you want your world to be. Read the rest of this entry »


Audio: LadyNadaLordSananda.LoveExpression





imagesXYB2EP9JMessage from Lady Nada and Lord Sananda ~ Your New Level of Pure Divine Love Essence Expression ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda


Greetings Beloveds, to All that you Are in this beautiful world you are creating. Behold the world you are creating. Hold it in your hands and hearts of pure essence, of pure Divine LOVE essence, and ponder what you have created.

It is a new world, expanding and beautifying as we speak. Encompassing all and purifying all because you have reached a new level of excellence, of expanded pure Divine Love essence that is permeating all within and around you.

And you begin to take it for granted, dear ones, as you should. The world as others project it, in illusion and duality, is no longer your world. It is but a memory to you now as you embrace your purity and your divinity and harmonize all your aspects into pure Christ Consciousness, into pure Divine embodiment hosted by your physical body, but you are so much more than your physical body now.

You are learning to walk and talk in this expanded state of pure Light and Love, of pure Source Consciousness, pervading and penetrating every part of you now.

Get used to this expanded state. Begin to welcome the remembrance of your true nature, of your True Divine nature, and welcome it as your new normal.

We, Lady Nada and Sananda, come to you together as an example of the sweet essence of your potential harmony and wisdom that you contain and hold as your truth now. You hold the higher frequencies from which we speak to you, and so you are also of this higher frequency from which we speak. You know the truths of which we speak, and you carry them within you now and spread them to others in your daily activities just by radiating your true nature of unconditional love and understanding and compassion for all humanity.

You hold humanity with the perpetual ‘glue’ that holds the universe: … LOVE … Divine Love … Unconditional Love. It has created a lightness of your being and enables all to demonstrate the same. It is your truth now; it is your purpose. You hold the world together with Love, you hold the Universe together with Love, you hold the Multiverse together with Love, and from that you raise yourself to new heights of consciousness you have not seen before.

So beloveds, hear our words. You have come such a long way. You have elevated to frequencies you once only dreamed about and you are here amongst us, all Ascended Masters, all Celestial Beings, all Galactic Beings, doing your part to hold the frequency of Love in such a sustained way that you no longer see the world in illusion, in separation, but in Unity and totality of Divine Love Expressions everywhere.

This we say to you in complete confidence that you are realizing this, and that you are using this truth to create everything out of Love now. You live in Love, you work in Love, you walk in Love, forever more. Feel the buoyancy of it, feel the softness of it, feel the reality of it — Divine Love at the core of everything you do, think, and say.

You are magnificent in your expression of Love. Everything else is illusion. Please remember that, always, dear ones.

We hold you within our truth of Pure Divine Love Essence Expression and we support you in yours, always. That is, your pure divine love expression coming from your pure divine essence and growing embodiment of your divinity, your divine nature expressing from within out, thus naturally and dynamically expressing your Pure Divine Love Essence in all that you are, do, think, and say. How beautiful this is.

We are Lady Nada and Sananda, in pure Love and Support of your attainment of this new, deeper, level of Pure Divine Love Essence Expression. Embrace it, beloveds.



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Message Received April 18, 2016 ~ Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

Fran: This capsule of information came in as I was pondering how much judgment has been a part of our lives, but also how things are changing, and asking for illumination on the subject, I received this and share it with you now:


Lady Nada and Sananda  (Received August 2, 2015):

“Throughout your long existence in duality, judgment has been your stalwart, your guidepost, your guiding light to navigate your many twists and turns within your reality. And it has served you well. It has seemingly kept you safe and kept you moving towards your goals. We say seemingly, because while it has moved you forward and kept you safe in many cases, it has also limited you in your many experiences in your journey of moving into higher consciousness.

Yet judgment has served its purpose. It has been necessary and has served you in your sojourn in duality, in navigating your many phases of evolution towards enlightenment and higher consciousness and Oneness. It has been a necessary phase to move you further along in your development and to allow you to move into your continual refinement of your energies as you move out of duality, and ultimately to discover that judgment can now be replaced with discernment and openness to new experiences in consciousness.

Looking at and examining the many times you have used judgment as a compass will be an enlightening exercise in discovering and examining the workings of your old ways of moving through life — that although they have served you, it is now time to allow yourselves to shift into the new perspective brought into your consciousness by the new higher energies, steadily becoming more comfortable residing within you.

You can now look at each new choice, idea, thought and occurrence as a canvas to explore the many sides of a question, occurrence, thought or idea as all-encompassing and all-pervading, with many facets and points of view, allowing you to see that within all of it holds the whole truth, to which you become open and more accepting and to feel more comfortable living within all of it, as a whole, with a feeling of “it is what it is”. Read the rest of this entry »

spiritual unfoldment4Sananda, December 7, 2013

Greetings all you beautiful, assorted ministers of Love. I greet you today with much anticipation and acknowledgement of the beautiful metamorphosis you are instrumental in creating for yourselves, your communities, all of humanity and beautiful Gaia. For you are so instrumental in fostering this Love Awakening for all to benefit from.

It is indeed my honor to greet you today and always with so much love in my heart for you all, with so much gratitude and appreciation for you all. You may not yet fully realize it, but you are in the midst of awakening so many aspects of yourself not yet touched on, not yet fully utilized, and not yet fully appreciated.

And in that awakening comes responsibility to integrate all those aspects of yourself, and this you are doing presently for the full realization of your true selves and for the benefit of all those still coming online. However, it is becoming epidemic now. You have touched so many and now you are sparking within them all the deep knowing of their true nature. Read the rest of this entry »



Greetings, fellow Light Beings, and purveyors of Peace and Love. I greet you this day with so much love in my heart for you all and with so much gratitude for your relentless service to all mankind. You are doing splendidly despite all odds, despite all obstacles, despite all interferences.

You keep on going despite it all, and that is the reason that you were chosen for this task, and the reason that you accepted it with whole hearts and lightness in your being, for you knew that you would succeed in this mission of bringing whole and Divine Light to the World as you greet your whole Divine Selves in concert with Creator once again. Read the rest of this entry »



Greetings all. I come to greet you again and to discuss with you more “food for thought” as you embark further on your journey of ascension and complete enlightenment.

Your return to your True Selves has been an arduous journey at times, pray tell, but my gifted ones – my lighted ones, you are thoroughly prepared and “wired” for this illustrious journey all the way to fruition. Read the rest of this entry »



Greetings my dear Soul Beings, keepers of the Christ Consciousness in your very being. I am Sananda at your service, as you are also, to all Beings on Earth and beyond.

It is time to re-orient yourselves into your new Reality, my dear ones. I say re-orient because of course as you know, you are already, as you have always been, magnificent Souls of God Consciousness, of the Divine Consciousness of Creator of All That Is. You are just realizing that identity, and also manifesting that identity, into your Reality more and more as you receive the new energies and re-orient yourselves into what you have always been. Read the rest of this entry »

Note from Fran: The following is Yeshua’s Celebratory Message given to me in the late afternoon of 12-12-12, meant to be Part One of a Double Celebratory Message; Part Two, Sananda’s Message of today, 12-13-12, follows Yeshua’s message below. Enjoy! Many Blessings!

Yeshua.lightfilledworld11Celebratory Message from Yeshua on 12-12-12: A Light Filled World

Greetings and salutations to all my beloveds! Today, 12-12-12, marked a glorious day in your history, in your development and in your hearts  – and in our hearts, dear ones. You have accomplished so much. Your embarkment on this ascension journey is well underway now, dear ones. You have crossed the threshold of all thresholds. The Light is shining ever brighter and untold adjustments have been made in your Light Bodies, in Gaia’s Light Body and in sacred Unity Consciousness.

Rejoice, dear ones. You are doing beautifully. Please keep up this progress and your meditations, for you are making great headway and more is afoot. The Bliss you are feeling and experiencing is just going to magnify and amplify, dear ones. There are no limits to the depths you can and will feel and experience.

Much expansion has already taken place in your Light Bodies, DNA and frequencies. You are setting precedent for an explosion and a great building of energies from here on out. No one will be left untouched. Read the rest of this entry »


Greetings, dear travelers to higher dimensions and beyond. What you partake in is monumental, a feat cherished and honored by all of us in the Galactic and Celestial Realms.

What you do from here on out is indicative of your next level of attainment. You have built up to now quite a foundation for yourselves and it just gets more full and embodied for you. You are treading on grounds that you were once very unfamiliar with, but lo and behold, you settle into them quite nicely, dear ones.

Herein lies the rub. It is important not to have expectations that bind you. It is important to surrender to and be at this new level you are at, without putting so much pressure on yourselves. You see, expansion is about allowing, not trying. Expansion is about accepting and not judging or scrutinizing the effects or your progress. Read the rest of this entry »


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