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Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Grounding Into Your New Reality ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ January 9, 2018


Greetings Beloveds, I AM Yeshua and I AM Mary Magdalene, in union, demonstrating our deep Divine Love, and connecting with yours. We bring you encouragement for this very important time.

This is a time of grounding into your New Reality, Beloveds, which may seem uncertain and maybe even perilous at times. There are no longer former duality-based rules on which to base your life, because you are leaving duality behind. However, there may be a tendency at times to frame new experiences on the old way of perceiving them.

There may be a tendency to dip into duality by habit at times, only to realize that you have left it. It has no substance for you anymore. But you may not yet be completely comfortable with this new way of perceiving from a place of Neutrality and Wholeness and Oneness, of Deep, abiding Divine Love, of total Unconditional Love, for yourselves and others in Unity.

Give it time, Beloveds … You might feel lost at times, but what you may not fully realize is that you have Found a new way of BEing. Read the rest of this entry »

Some Words of Encouragement, as we go deeper into the energies that are moving us steadily and surely through Ascension, especially as we discover and illuminate more fears and issues and beliefs to clear. For within each encounter, there is the gem of illumination, insight, and clarity that brings us closer to our True Selves if we acknowledge, and awaken to, and listen to our Divinity within, which always reveals the truth at the very core of the encounter if we dig deep, be open, and allow it to come forth and illuminate, then clear:

“You are Beautiful. You are Emerging from the darkness. Take whatever is present for and within you and make peace with it. Be in awe of it and be grateful for it. It is the means for your transformation….

No matter what you encounter, it can be seen as for your highest good. Finding the gem of illumination within each experience and emotion lights your path to greater awareness and Joy. Let it spark a knowing and insight that opens your heart and mind to the truth within you.

Beyond the contraction of fear or negativity dawns expansion of consciousness with just a shift in perception and perspective, fueled by the inherent Divinity within. All you have to do is acknowledge and be open to the beautiful Divine LightPower that you are. This is your Truth.”

by Fran Zepeda/HigherSelf/Soul


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LadyNada.picture credit: cosmicgaia.comBeloveds,

Let us speak today of your soul embodiment and reality as you see it. You are beginning to understand that your reality is a composite of your earthly experiences and emotions. However, these have just been a bridge to your greater understanding of your True Self.

Seeing what you have been through as a stepping stone to your higher consciousness way of being is the purpose of your sojourn here on earth.  Seeing your experiences and emotions in a detached way and as a helper/friend to raising your consciousness changes the fabric of your reality, where your soul and higher consciousness are really at the helm of your being and experience.

What is put before you to experience is a function of your growth; it is what is the best way to weave the aspects of your Self to a more full and complete fabric of higher consciousness and divinity. Read the rest of this entry »




Yeshua and Mother Mary:

Greetings, Beloveds. It is with overwhelming JOY that we welcome you into the Higher Consciousness that you have gained, and are still continuing to assimilate and integrate, with the recent and ongoing magnificent potent energies.

For you have earned and reached a level you have only dreamed about before. For now you are ready to receive and assimilate much higher frequencies that can only elevate you higher and higher in your consciousness and serve to continue to beckon and integrate your Divine Presence to reside within your physical body in a more harmonious, constant, and integrated way.

You are by now most likely viewing the world around you differently. You are by now most likely viewing the world within you very differently. It becomes a grand accepting of the Divinity that has already and always been there, except that now you can access it and blend and merge with it with much, much more ease.

And this, beloveds, is the apex of your experience, the culmination of many years, lifetimes and eons of development. You are arriving Home with each acceptance and relishing of the Divine energies allowing your Divine Presence to blossom and thrive right here now in your physical body. Read the rest of this entry »

Fran: This capsule of information came in as I was pondering how much judgment has been a part of our lives, but also how things are changing, and asking for illumination on the subject, I received this and share it with you now:


Lady Nada and Sananda  (Received August 2, 2015):

“Throughout your long existence in duality, judgment has been your stalwart, your guidepost, your guiding light to navigate your many twists and turns within your reality. And it has served you well. It has seemingly kept you safe and kept you moving towards your goals. We say seemingly, because while it has moved you forward and kept you safe in many cases, it has also limited you in your many experiences in your journey of moving into higher consciousness.

Yet judgment has served its purpose. It has been necessary and has served you in your sojourn in duality, in navigating your many phases of evolution towards enlightenment and higher consciousness and Oneness. It has been a necessary phase to move you further along in your development and to allow you to move into your continual refinement of your energies as you move out of duality, and ultimately to discover that judgment can now be replaced with discernment and openness to new experiences in consciousness.

Looking at and examining the many times you have used judgment as a compass will be an enlightening exercise in discovering and examining the workings of your old ways of moving through life — that although they have served you, it is now time to allow yourselves to shift into the new perspective brought into your consciousness by the new higher energies, steadily becoming more comfortable residing within you.

You can now look at each new choice, idea, thought and occurrence as a canvas to explore the many sides of a question, occurrence, thought or idea as all-encompassing and all-pervading, with many facets and points of view, allowing you to see that within all of it holds the whole truth, to which you become open and more accepting and to feel more comfortable living within all of it, as a whole, with a feeling of “it is what it is”. Read the rest of this entry »


LadyNada.picture credit: cosmicgaia.comLady Nada (received November 29, 2014):


Dear ones, as Love continues to pervade and expand your Soul Essence, you are noticing changes in your perception of yourself. There is no longer, or at least less of, the need to justify yourself and to compensate for what ‘should be’ or ‘would be’.

You float in the Now of it. Love is much more available to soothe and serve as balm for your Soul, and everything, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, becomes instead a continuum just needing Love and persistence towards a more neutral, peaceful state of Being.

The edges are softer, and the perspectives are clearer, and what once felt of great importance and dire need is no longer, leaving like a feather or leaf fluttering away in the breeze.

The need to control outcomes or an urgency to act to ‘fix’ something is beginning to fade away. You are experiencing higher consciousness where the concepts of ‘black and white’ and ‘good or bad’ are fading away, and in their place, a broader perspective of quiet observance and acceptance. Read the rest of this entry »

LadyNada.picture credit: cosmicgaia.comLady Nada:


Hello, my dear ones. It has been a while since I have spoken through this channel, but nonetheless always extend my ever-present abiding Love to you. I take you in my “arms” of Love now again in this moment.

You have traversed many a difficult turn along the ascension pathway, each in your own method and purpose and timing. There have been some deep caverns for many of you, but nevertheless you have begun to make the climb back up and have surpassed what you could only have dreamed of in the past.

While living for a brief time in those “caverns of darkness”, you learned to make your own light – to light your own lantern in a way you have not been able to do before. You created within yourself a pathway to the light, and in the process you have extinguished many a fire of upheaval and chaos and fear and momentary loss, only to reveal an opening to the true deeper part of you where you find solace and peace and enthusiasm and hope.

You, in your dipping into sometimes suffering and sometimes deep revelation, one and the same for all intents and purposes, have pulled the Light of your Soul ever present to the surface and have discovered an unfathomable strength, courage and creativity that remains unmatched in your experience. Read the rest of this entry »

What is love?  From a human perspective it has many meanings. It is written about in every language in every culture on every part of the globe.  It is four letter word that implies a heart feeling that is felt or expressed. It is often expressed as “I love you” but that in and of itself may have many meanings.  The intent of the phrase may mean, I have deep feelings for you or it may be a way of simply saying I want to have sex with you.  And it may be perceived either way.  As we evolve away from a guttural root chakra survival mentality we awaken to higher more spiritual understandings of what Love is.  Even in a “Sacred” ceremony where we proclaim our love to another there are still the strings, expectations, and limiting beliefs that say “I’ll love you if… but not if”.  I’ll love you if your faithful to me but not if you cheat on me , lie to me, etc. Read the rest of this entry »


Greetings, dear travelers to higher dimensions and beyond. What you partake in is monumental, a feat cherished and honored by all of us in the Galactic and Celestial Realms.

What you do from here on out is indicative of your next level of attainment. You have built up to now quite a foundation for yourselves and it just gets more full and embodied for you. You are treading on grounds that you were once very unfamiliar with, but lo and behold, you settle into them quite nicely, dear ones.

Herein lies the rub. It is important not to have expectations that bind you. It is important to surrender to and be at this new level you are at, without putting so much pressure on yourselves. You see, expansion is about allowing, not trying. Expansion is about accepting and not judging or scrutinizing the effects or your progress. Read the rest of this entry »


Greetings, beautiful Beings of Light.

I come before you today to bring you such joyful tidings. Much has happened in your World that is not quite visible to the eye but many are feeling it in their hearts.

We of the Company of Heaven commend you for your wonderful meditations during the 11-11 portal opening and we implore you to keep up with it. So much has transpired, you would be astounded. Read the rest of this entry »


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