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Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “New Earth is Aglow in Your Hearts” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 3.22.20 Read the rest of this entry »




I heard the call of the Raven** this morning, loud and persistent atop the tall trees outside. It wouldn’t let up its penetrating cries until I went outside to listen, and received and absorbed the beautiful potent golden Rays of the Sun and beyond, prompting me to go within and feel my core and illuminate and clear all there to be released.

And the Raven continued its cacophony, flitting back and forth from one to the other of three tall Redwood trees, each time resuming its serenade, beckoning, in an invitation to feel the beautiful divine essence at my core. The beautiful Raven welcomed me into its embrace of Oneness and I basked in the warmth and loving embrace of the energies present.

A little while later, the Raven flew away beyond my hearing, and as I came back into a new Now, the following message appeared from within me as the call awakened my Higher Self to be more present and to reveal more Truth within:

“The Fullness of Your Being Beckons you Now. Welcome it, Love it for All it is. For in that comes a further opening into your Full Divine Beingness.

As you illuminate the parts within that detract from that, that are no longer needed within you, that are pulling down your True Higher Being of Divine Essence, you gently let them go and thank them for their service.

For in their service to you, they have illuminated the Lightness of Your True Being, waiting to be revealed and embraced and honored and loved.

You don’t reject them or resist them, but instead be grateful to them, and hold them in your new Light of Awareness and allow them to be lit up and to return to Source to be cleared, absorbed and/or recycled.

You receive, discern, and hold the Gift at the core of it and move forward with new awareness of what you have learned and know, and your wholeness is renewed, refreshed and reborn to greater beginnings of wonderment.

And so, it goes, as you embrace more of your True Divine Essence without the trappings and attachments to withering and expiring ideas and beliefs that once served you but are no longer needed or necessary in the new higher vibration of your Being.

Your Joy and Passion cannot help but bubble up into your new enlightened Present and Presence, brought about by the gentle continued letting-go of old beliefs, ideas and duality-based consciousness.

For this is the way of your ascension, dear ones. Embrace it. Dance Lightly in your newfound Wholeness ever-more authentic to your core and march into the joy of remembering your True Self, your true purpose, and your many gifts.

Feel and tap into your Divine Essence more deeply, feel the immense LOVE there, the immense Peace and feeling of Oneness, and of Wholeness.

Feel a fullness and awakening and openness to All That Is. And to all that is possible – and to all that presents as an avenue to tap into more of yourself, and to create, and Be the Divine Being at your core, so full of Love, welcoming change and opportunity for more growth and ways to be in and of Service.

Each thing you encounter and bring into your field to experience is a Gem bringing you more Light Awareness, to be always welcomed and received in Gratitude as a necessary part of your integration and grounding into your Authenticity.

Do not see it as a separate attack to victimize or hurt you; it is an assistance from and for your Higher Self to take up more permanent residence within you.

Feel deep Love, Appreciation, Acceptance and Compassion for yourself as you move through the darkness of experience into the ever-present Light that awaits to be your permanent experience and way of Being.

Rejoice! For New Beginnings Beckon!”




**The Raven periodically comes to me to awaken and bring awareness and to illuminate what I need to look at to bring my Self more out of the darkness and into the Light.

I offer a quote from Ted Andrews from his “Animal Speak” book, pg. 188, about Ravens: “… It teaches how to go into the dark and bring forth the light. With each trip in, we develop the ability to bring more light out. This is creation …”

When I had finished writing this, 12:22 appeared on the clock which I was prompted and guided to look at, a number I get often, encouraging New Beginnings and Balance and Harmony, fulfilling my Life Purpose and Soul Mission. My birth numbers are also 222, so I have been seeing a lot of these numbers lately around my birthday!

Love and Blessings,



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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Our Emerging Divinity

AUDIO: LadyNada.PreciousJewels..3.19.17


Greetings, Beloveds, I AM Lady Nada. I greet you all in your divine glory, your beautiful, divine glory, your divine essence that is so eminent and prominent within you now. I greet you now, to show you how precious you are, how unique and precious you are.

I see the illumination of your beautiful unique Selves.  You are all like sparkling jewels, each special and unique in your own way, illuminated by the Light of the Sun, and you shine so brightly and exquisitely, as you show your many facets of your divine essence, with all the light coming in now.

It’s important to not compare yourselves with others. It diminishes the shine and the illumination and the glow of your unique facets. Love yourselves so much that you become brighter and lighter, and shine so much more radiantly. Love yourselves so much that you glow and spread…

View original post 689 more words

Our Emerging Divinity

franHello Everyone….Below is the direct recording of a voice channeling that came through me tonight. I could feel it wanting to come through so I was guided to get my little digital recorder and channel this beautiful message I was receiving from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

I had just put a load of laundry in, as you may hear in the background, but I was so absorbed by the message coming through me, compelled to get it on the recorder, that I didn’t even remember or realize that the background noise was there until I listened to the recording afterwards … I was so taken over by the message coming through that the background noise was blocked out by the potent moments of receiving the message in the Now … All I could hear and feel was the energy and message vibrating in my body and pounding in my ears and I…

View original post 1,166 more words

Yeshua: “Live in Your Heart of Desires” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 19, 2015


Greetings, Beloveds. This is a very auspicious time for everyone in their own unique way. It will take finessing and seeing everything around you and within you from a new unique perspective.

It is time to stretch yourselves and delve into your Soul even more than usual. It is a virtual meeting of your soul with your higher mind, interpreting and drawing from a new perspective not used before. It is a virtual “LoveFest” with your Soul. Honoring it and loving it like you have never done before. It is forefront to your reality now dear ones, and let no one tell you that you are not delving very very deep into your Soul.

It may look like all you see are problems around you and it takes a lot of your attention, and so you may ask me: “How is this a higher way of being? I am dealing with so many mundane problems”. Well dear ones, look at it this way: If you were not evolving into a higher way of being, this would not be happening. Everything is coming up to be seen as the illusion that it is. Yes, you must deal with it, and yes, the solution can come easily if you let it, and then move on and see it as a virtual clearing house of all the mundane 3D structure that you painstakingly assembled in all your years, your eons, of dabbling on earth away from your birthright, away from your full divine awareness of your Full Divine Self.

And this old reality is becoming dismantled and demolished and oh, it can create a mess, just like a demolition of a building can create a mess. But within all that chaos, wanting to emerge, is a shining jewel, a shining reality of your true self and reality coming from your core being, ready to take over and shine even more.

Many of you feel like you are stepping backwards. It feels even more mundane and less lofty than you imagined it would be when you were anticipating 2012. You did not know that this business of descending your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, into your physical body would be so “messy” or even take the turns it has.

But in this you are learning to flow with it, trusting in your divine guidance which is more and more coming from YOU and not “up there” from your brethren in the Celestial Realm; you may even be astounded at what you are feeling and knowing in spite of how easily it comes to you.

And this, dear ones, is the by-product of all the work you have been doing in clearing out the old ways of being. And this, dear ones, is the epitome of your evolvement. It may seem simple, but as you sit and stand now, you are an immense and immaculate Divine Being inhabiting this physical being that is a partner to you in many ways now. You are settling in and feeling the merge. It exalts you, it excites you, and it is your new way of Being.

So beloveds, disregard the chaos and the “rubble” of this “demolition project” you are involved in, for it is not as harsh and violent an operation as it sounds. It is a loving pulling-apart and disassembling of all the old patterns that kept your divine self feeling separate and “un-divine”, only to find that lo and behold, that gorgeous soul that you are was waiting to show itself to the world in all its divine glory.

So dear ones, continue to Live in your Heart and focus on the shine of it, focus on the Divine of it, focus on the wholeness and depth of it. And let the chaos and disassembling of your old self and that of others proceed as if in a protective bubble, all the while feeling into the immense depth of your Soul and Divine Self.

I love you all so dearly, and I see your progress, and I honor your struggles as a means of letting go of the old, and shining your pristine Divine Essence once again in all its glory.

I encourage you to be undaunted by things as they seem, and focus on what they really are, what your reality really is, your heart’s desires for a flowing loving world for all to thrive in and inhabit. The more you focus on this, the more you make it a reality. Live in your Heart of Desires and it shall be so.


Your loving brother, Yeshua.

From Fran: ~ SPECIAL! ~ For a limited time only, I will be offering a special on my Channeling by Email Sessions ~ Purchase a  90 minute Channeling by Email Session at my Healing Place Store Here from now until January 1, 2016, and get a FREE 30 minute energy healing with it! (a two hour session total), for yourself or given as a gift, to be booked in January on. For more info, please visit the Services Page Here

For other Current Specials on my Services, please click Here:

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

FOR AUDIO RECORDING of Message, please click here:



Hello Everyone. This came in on 8-8-8. The energy has been so powerful that it took me a few days to get it posted, but I share it with you now…and the Gateway continues….Enjoy:

I AM the Magdalene

I AM Harmony, Love, Balance and Freedom.

I AM the Divine Feminine Personified.

I AM open to All.

I see the Beauty in All.

I AM Pure Love Essence…..


I AM the Magdalene, present before you and amongst you for the Collective Enlightenment and Ascension of all Mankind. True to my nature, I forever encourage you to be true to yours, to relish and share your Gifts as you develop and unearth them in your Divine Awakening upon the beautiful Earth.

True to my nature I AM, and I share it with you all. It is no longer but a dream for you to BE and embody True Pure Divine Love for all to share and partake in with all that is encountered and exists. It is not just a dream…. It IS the Reality now; it is the true existence of all.

As you continue to walk through the Lion’s Gate, let it be your new Reality to walk with the Angels and Archangels and the Ascended Masters and the Goddesses and All Beings, in pure Divine Alignment and Equality. As you all become in Balance and Harmony with all your aspects and blend Heaven with Earth, Masculine with Feminine, Soul with Creator, All with One, you are no longer separate, you are no longer bereft of purpose; you have come Home to your Creator beginnings and awaken that Essence and Source within yourselves. Read the rest of this entry »

www.starseeds.netChanneled by Fran Zepeda July 27, 2014


Lady Nada and Mother Mary:

Hello dear sweet ones. We come before you together again to bring you Love Everlasting in concert and in Union for this Now Moment in ever-cascading streams of Love Everlasting and Enduring for all to tap into Forever and Always.

We are your mentors and guides in this in this Now Moment and we deliver our Love to you this moment and always in complete openness and fullness of all your Hearts put together. For imagine that, dear ones – Love Everlasting in Union with all Hearts at the same moment; it is a monumental task to undertake, yet fulfilling and magnificent in scope.

And so dear ones, we are here to help you examine and accept your capacity to do this, to join your Love Everlasting with all Hearts and with your whole Hearts. What a sweet ambrosia it is, dear ones. The scope and capacity and possibility of this very thing has increased monumentally in the last few months in your measure of time, and indeed moment-to-moment. For Love Essence is building globally, universally, and multiversally with the building of Love in each Heart upon this planet. Read the rest of this entry »

mothermary3Mother Mary:


Hello beautiful ones. I am here today through this channel to urge you to open your hearts even wider. Yes, the energies of late have brought even more clearing for you. And yes, you sometimes may feel like you cannot take in anymore. But alas, you can, for letting go and being open even more for what is in store for you is the order of the day, and I am here to help you.

Within you is so much, like capsules upon capsules upon capsules of information and Love just waiting to burst open with your willingness. Don’t stop now, don’t close up now – open your Hearts even wider and allow the energies to penetrate you, and then be still and allow those capsules of information and Love to open further within you.

There is no limit to what you can experience in the name of Love, in the name of the Divine, for it is You and You are It. You are limitless Love and you are limitless and mountains of information waiting to be revealed.

With this last surge of energy you have experienced, yes, you may have stirred up a lot to be released, but you have also dug deeper into your Divine Essence and lifted higher. This new level has many treasures in store for you. All you have to do is open to them. Read the rest of this entry »



“I walk in LOVE,

Touch All with LOVE,

And Breathe LOVE into everything

As LOVE Breathes into me.


Beloveds All,

Beloveds Everything,

I walk in LOVE

And Nothing will ever feel the same.


I Speak with LOVE,

I Hear with LOVE,

I bathe in it

Wherever I go.


I let it Color Everything-

Everything that I Touch,

Everything that I See,

So Nothing feels the same.


‘Tis a filter through which I See

And Feel Everything;

I AM All, I AM Everything;

Nothing is Untouched.


LOVE Flows through me,

LOVE Flows AS Me;


And Nothing will ever be the same.


The sweet Refrain

That is My Life-Song Now

Exudes a Lilting LOVE Melody

Wherever I go.


LOVE is Life.

Life is LOVE;

I Know that Now,

So Nothing will ever be the same.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Artist Unknown

Archangel Zadkiel (Received May 6, 2014):


Hello dear ones of the Light, ever-increasing and ever-growing in illumination. Bravo for all the clearing, dear ones, for it has not been easy.

As you absorb more energies and subsequently download all you need to build and maintain your developing crystalline bodies, you subsequently must clear what is in the way. And so it is an ever- expanding process, but please know dear ones, that you are making much progress.

As you clear more and more of the dross of yesteryear, and this includes many many lifetimes as well as this one, your Divine Selves are becoming illuminated with such a crystal clear clarity, like a diamond that has been shined to perfection.

And sometimes just below the surface of this increasing shine and illumination there is more to uplift and transmute, but do not think it is a bottomless pit, for you have taken on quite a task in this lifetime, and although you may grow weary at times at all that seems to endlessly come up to clear, you are indeed getting to the bottom of the “pit” of clearing, and just as the bottom of a barrel reveals sludge and residue as the bulk has been cleared away, do not despair –  You are nearing the end of this clearing, many of you. Read the rest of this entry »


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