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Greetings and Blessings Everyone! Tonight I came upon this Teaching from my Higher Self from 2015 that I am guided to share with you again, as it still feels timely, and so may be helpful to you as you go further into your clearing and embodiment process. I hope to be offering a new channeling to you soon…Much Love to you All! ~ Fran



Higher Self Teaching on Wholeness by Fran Zepeda

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Master LantoReceived April 22, 2015


Greetings, I AM Master Lanto, greeting you from afar, yet right next to you in your field of Light if you allow me.

I wish to speak to you about Radiance. Radiance is comprised of many things. Exalt within your own Radiance, for it is the spark that drives your Soul. It is YOU in your essential form. It is All-That-Is.

You are awash in your own Radiance when you bow to yourself and accept all that is YOU in its purest form: LOVE. Loving yourself and accepting yourself is key, as you well know. But do you live it day in and day out — Moment by Moment….In the NOW?

Every flaw, every obstacle, every struggle, every seeming impediment of your Happiness, is indeed only LOVE attempting to take hold on a deeper level of YOU. Read the rest of this entry »


images lotus2Hello everyone! I have been focusing on anchoring the divine aspect of Harmony of late, and this teaching on Harmony came through, and I share it with you here now!


Harmony is a Divine aspect encompassing a powerful alliance with all parts of you, with all parts of the Universe – A sublime offering and condition in evolution of your Soul.

Let it be known it is a necessary step in your Ascension, and Peace depends on it.

You are here as Lightbearers and Lightbeings to instill and hold it (Harmony) in your cells as magnification and activation of and for the external Peace and Harmony encompassing all.

Internal becomes External becomes Internal as all are connected in a web of Purification.

This Purification is a new level of your Being and Unity Consciousness. This has evolved, making Harmony possible within and worldwide. Read the rest of this entry »

imagesReceived February 18, 2015

Greetings Beloveds. I come before you today to deliver a message of Love and Well-Being to you all. For all is well. For all is as it should be. Pull yourselves back from your expectations and thought-forms of striving for ‘life as it should be’ and Be Now in this Moment with me.

All is well. All is as it should be. All is encompassed in this Now Moment as an inkling of more creation in the next moment. And so it goes. Pull back into the Now. Pull back into the center of your being and find that all is well, all is as it should be. Stop the striving and gather your heart into the Now, into the center of your being and life, and feel with it, now with me.

What is it you are feeling? What is it you are noticing? The stillness beckons you. Pull back into that stillness now, beloveds, and travel with me into the deeper recesses of your Heart. For now is the time to live there fully. Read the rest of this entry »

yeshua.truecenter1Received January 30, 2015 from my Higher Self, supported by Lakshmi, Lady Nada, and Yeshua:


Abundance is a matter of intention, in full alignment with your soul purpose, and keeping in mind and heart the knowing that all you desire is at your fingertips, that all is present in your immediate Now for the taking. It becomes manifest with your full alignment with your intentions, for the highest good of all. Believing it is so, believing it is possible, is key.

Nothing is impossible. It just requires a sustained living in the energy of the intention — feeling, seeing and abiding by all the elements that make up your desire, as if it is happening now in this moment. You live constantly in that energy and it becomes manifest.

Dear ones, it is not that hard. Take away the restrictions that you cannot have it. Take away the limits you have imposed upon yourself, and live, breathe and abide in the energy of your highest dreams as if it is happening right now. It IS. It is merely not manifest in the physical until all conditions are right and all is aligned to match the vibration of the intention and for the highest good of all. Read the rest of this entry »


Hello Beloveds,

It is I, Mary Magdalene, bringing you sweet tidings and abundant Love to all who tune in to my energy this day. I AM full of Love for you All. I AM deep within your hearts this Now Moment.

I wish to speak with you today about Love. About Abundant Love to which you have all fostered a deeper connection to and understanding of in these recent times. You understand it on a much deeper level now, do you not?

Do you understand deeply that YOU ARE LOVE? As you accept the perpetual divine energies pouring into you constantly now, you are no doubt establishing a much deeper understanding of that. As a part of Source, you are also the essence of Source: Love. Read the rest of this entry »



All are Whole to begin with, from the beginning of time. It is just from there an add-on of experiences, a retreat back, and ultimate revealing and illumination process to bring forth the dormant and to transmute the illusion and parts that do not live fully in Love.

And it is that process that you all are going through, the revealing, illumination and acceptance of all parts, all aspects of you to make up the whole, to illuminate and transmute all that is not fully in Love, in that there is a revealing process of that which is not Love, that which is not the True Divine You, that which is covering up the Full Illumination of You.

And the process is long for many, it is difficult for many, it is necessary for many to linger at areas where they are not truly authentic, for to cling to those unauthentic parts has been for some purpose necessary to protect, or to bring one to the revelation of the nugget of truth that has been hidden. And in that process, it is more enriching than having everything illuminated and apparent at once, for it is a journey wherein one can explore and decipher and realize who they truly are in intimate experience and expression. Read the rest of this entry »


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