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December 24, 2011

Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven:

We come to you on this very auspicious day, the eve of the birth of my beloved Yeshua. The world began to transform that day and the love and joy in my heart and womb brought tears to my heart as a new beginning for Earth was destined to commence. The love has not died. It remains as an eternal flame in all your bosoms, as it is in mine, as I come before you with a message of love – Love and Mercy, my dear ones.  I am the harbinger of Love, the mother of Grace, and I beseech you all to be the heralders of love for all mankind. It is within you, and is being spread without you, bearing so much radiance that you would be astounded were you to see it from our perspective.

We know this journey has not been one of ease for you all. You took on the task many eons ago with such courage and hope, and we assure you that all is transpiring according to Divine Plan and Order. You are all in a position to finally reap the rewards of your arduous and bittersweet journey, my dear ones. The Company of Heaven is so pleased and inspired with your loving hearts and deeds. We wish for you that the peace that is in your hearts deepens and grows with each passing day. Please rest assured that with each beat of your heart, you are becoming One with Creator.

Absorb the massive amounts of light and crystalline energy being given to you now, and keep spreading it and sharing it with others. Feel the Unity and Oneness that you all have worked so hard to achieve, my dear ones, for it will sustain you through the coming year. You will be astounded by the changes that are and will be occurring, but then you already are putting them in motion with your creative hearts.

Please take care of yourselves. You are all so precious to us. Keep the steady pace you are maintaining and it will not fail to yield such joyful new beginnings. We have such deep and abiding love for all of you, my dear ones. You are precious beyond your mere understanding; you will soon be discovering my meaning as you shed the last vestiges of illusion and take your rightful place with Creator as One.

We of the Company of Heaven are your faithful, loving servants. Have a peaceful, joyous season of Celebration, and may that joy and peace build and grow with each passing day for you.

We thank you all for your service to the Light,

Mother Mary for the Company of Heaven

Thank you, Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven

Fran Zepeda

Copyright © 2011-2017 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, credit is given to the author, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: and

piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comMother Mary:

Divine Grace is infinitely bestowed on all who hold this beautiful divine quality within their hearts and minds in purification and with Love for all within you and without you. My dear beloveds, I embrace you all with my Love and Grace and walk with you further into the beautiful 5th dimensional Light.

Behold the exquisite colors and ambiance of this sparkling 5th dimension as you adapt and nestle into it as your pervading truth. I AM your escort and support in this, dear ones. Walk with confidence and know that you are clearing all that no longer resonates with this beautiful new precious reality that you are entering into with each breath of Love and Grace you allow to sustain you.

Breathe it in Beloveds, this beautiful divine quality of Grace, and watch how it colors everything with its exquisite vibration and hue. Breathe in the golden ruby essence of this divine quality and feel it permeate all your 12 chakras, energy fields, bodies, and cells. Feel it lift your vibration to God-perfection and luxuriate in the sweet Joy and Bliss it brings.

You are all magnificent holders of this pure Divine Love and Grace that is becoming your signature now. Behold it and hold it in awe and reverence as it transforms all within you and all without you with the sweet pure softness of this beautiful vibration, one that is inherent in all life and within you if you only acknowledge it, and grows in intensity and permanence the more you hold it as your Truth.

You are exquisite in sparkling beauty and Divine Grace, beloveds. Know that and feel that, grasp that, and all will look differently to you.

Yes, you are the holders of Divine Grace and Beauty. Feel the truth of this within your heart and all your bodies.

Just BE Grace. Feel it deep within you. You are transmuting all to Perfection of God’s Grace with each breath of Divine Love and Grace you take in and breathe out.

It is so.


With All My Love and Devotion,

Mother Mary


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Received December 16, 2016

Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Yeshua and Mother Mary:

Greetings, Beloveds. It is with overwhelming JOY that we welcome you into the Higher Consciousness that you have gained, and are still continuing to assimilate and integrate, with the recent and ongoing magnificent potent energies.

For you have earned and reached a level you have only dreamed about before. For now you are ready to receive and assimilate much higher frequencies that can only elevate you higher and higher in your consciousness and serve to continue to beckon and integrate your Divine Presence to reside within your physical body in a more harmonious, constant, and integrated way.

You are by now most likely viewing the world around you differently. You are by now most likely viewing the world within you very differently. It becomes a grand accepting of the Divinity that has already and always been there, except that now you can access it and blend and merge with it with much, much more ease.

And this, beloveds, is the apex of your experience, the culmination of many years, lifetimes and eons of development. You are arriving Home with each acceptance and relishing of the Divine energies allowing your Divine Presence to blossom and thrive right here now in your physical body. Read the rest of this entry »


piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comFran: Blessings Everyone! In meditating on Mary Magdalene’s recent message I AM the Magdalene, with the desire and intention to illuminate and expand more on the Divine Aspects of Creator, for all to benefit from in our continued embodiment and ascension, and as a result of inquiries from readers, I received two transmissions from Mother Mary, on Divine Purity and Divine Grace. And I offer them here following a quote and link to Mary Magdalene’s message that inspired these transmissions:

Mary Magdalene:  “ …And so I offer you now this beautiful ‘bouquet’ of celestial flowers of many colors, each possessing the divine qualities, the Divine Aspects of Creator and Christ Consciousness, as I offer you one-by-one the blossoms of Divine Will, Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, Divine Purity, Divine Truth, Divine Grace, Divine Freedom, Divine Clarity, Divine Harmony, Divine Unity and Peace, Divine Purpose, and Divine Transformation and Transcendence, making a beautiful bouquet for you of your potential Wholeness….” Link to full Message here: *


Mother Mary on Divine Purity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Pure White celestial ribbons of Divine Purity surround you now. In my loving embrace you feel it. This is available to you now. Breathe in Divine Purity. It is present within you now as you breathe in the Love of Creator. Breathe in Divine Purity with each inhale and breathe out Divine Purity with each exhale, for all to benefit from.

It is the Radiance of your Soul. It is circumspect of all that you are. Expand your essence now with deep breaths of Purity from Creator and encompass it throughout your essence, all your bodies, and your Soul.

Picture yourselves in my arms of Love, nestled like a new-born baby, illuminated in Purity, in Radiance, as you are truly, in Reality, in Perfect Union with Creator, as you were when you were born into Creation. Behold the shimmering white pure light emanating from your Soul and claim it as your natural Radiance. Read the rest of this entry »

Received May 28 2015


Hello beautiful LOVE BE-ings that you are. I come to you with the sweet LOVE ESSENCE that you ALL ARE — Complete and Whole in your Love BEing … In your sweet Love Essence. You breathe, pulse, and radiate Love with all that you are. Consider this as you tune into your quiet, still Heart Center. Love is all you are and all you are made up of. You are whole and complete in this Truth.

Many of you are feeling and discovering this. It is taking over your Reality. It feels simple yet very profound. You have allowed your Love Essence to emerge and stay at front center of your life now. It is the sweetness of BEing that you all have strived for. It is the sweetness of many lifetimes of striving to know and capture your True Essence. You have arrived. Yet, you still doubt it.

As you take up the awareness that YOU ARE LOVE in all its sweet glory, you begin to remember your roots: The pulsing beginnings of Love particles making up Source, profound and essential and infinite. You are discovering your True Divinity as you return your thoughts to your beginnings, that of Love and Purity. Read the rest of this entry »


natalie glasson

With new vibrations anchoring into the Earth and awakening from your being with each day, a frequency of simplicity is rising akin to a phoenix from the flames to attract and draw your attention. The vibration of simplicity present due to the greater anchoring of light brings forth a new valuable wisdom and a new perspective with which to observe yourself and your reality. With all the many shifts and awakening occurring within your being at this tremendous period of cleansing and purifying in order to resonate in greater oneness with the Creator, simplicity brings you back to your centre. Many of you may experience the presence of your centre, core, essence or soul, whatever you wish to label it, with greater power and resonance. Those who are shifting beliefs and perspectives which no longer serve them may find it difficult to return to their centres, they may feel as if they have l ost their centres, as if it has been misplaced and can longer be found in the same space as usual. This is because your entire being is recalibrating, your essence, the core of your being, is expanding therefore it takes a larger, more expansive and open perspective to recognise the core of your being once more. Read the rest of this entry »

MotherMary2Channeled by Fran Zepeda October 9, 2014


Mother Mary:

Hello my dear sweet ones. In the interim that is a building of energy in all of you, take stock in what you want to remain in your energy field and what you want to welcome in anew. As it may feel uncertain as to what you are building, rest assured that you are harboring high frequency energy and you are slowly becoming acclimated to it. Be patient with yourselves and don’t forsake yourselves in acknowledgment of all you have accomplished up until now and continuing on the spectrum of deep refinement of your ascension process.

Rest assured of your progress, dear ones. The richness of the Love Energy now residing in your energy fields is recalibrating to your unique likeness, and building in intensity with each breath you take.

Rest assured, dear ones, of your complete transformation and refinement for it is Now and it is Eternal. Sweet ones, you are at the forefront and while you may look around you and see little change, look deeper into your hearts and notice the subtle changes and not-so-subtle changes. Read the rest of this entry »

10442551_488454261289831_7382921132048772922_nChanneled by Fran Zepeda September 8, 2014


Mother Mary:

Greetings beloved travelers into the 5th Dimension and higher. You are practicing with your multidimensional selves. You are experiencing the higher dimensions much more regularly while dealing with your remake of your physical bodies to accommodate your ascension.

I say remake because indeed your physical body, which has been your vehicle for so long in the 3rd dimension, is undergoing massive overhaul and refinement to blend with your Lightbody and to allow your multidimensional selves to be experienced on a much deeper and constant level.

And indeed this has been a wild ride for many of you. You are not sure at times what is happening and what is to be achieved. However, your innate compass, your innate sense of being – your Divine Being knows exactly what it is doing, dear ones, and I am here once again to enfold you in my loving arms and comfort you in your travels to the deep recesses of your heart where you are discovering so many wondrous things about your multidimensional selves.

You are exquisite in this growing refinement. Indeed, as you accept your growth and do not fight or resist it, you are feeling lighter and more expansive. You are embarking more and more into all your aspects and accepting all your aspects. You are experiencing on a much more “solid” level your multidimensionality. Read the rest of this entry »


Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 26, 2014


Mother Mary:

Dear Sweet Ones, I accompany you on your journey again today to places unknown and to places unseen. I surround you with my Love in hopes you will find it easier to travel further into your heart, further into the unknown recesses of your Deep Heart connected eternally with Source, beloved Source from which we all were birthed and to which we all return.

But alas, your journey back to Source is alive and enriched with many experiences you did not have whence you began your journey. And this is much more preferable to not having had all these experiences with the 3d dimension of duality.

Yes, it may make it hard at times to leave it (the 3rd dimension) behind, and yes it may make it difficult at times not to be distracted by it, but very much like allowing yourself to keep focused on your meditation even with the experience of a fly buzzing around you, you are learning to use that “buzz” and distraction (of the 3d dimensional world) to go deeper into the realms of your higher thinking, your higher dimensions, your deeper connection with Love and the higher realms. Read the rest of this entry »



Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 16, 2014


Mother Mary:

Greetings Beloveds, all my precious children of Light and Love Everlasting. You are so precious to me. You are such holders of Light and Love. You are magnificent in the scope you span now, in as far as your reach to many many hearts that need your Love. And you serve in my name and in my care and with my example as you spread your Love far and wide. There is no doubt that Peace will prevail, dear ones. There is no doubt that you will continue to carry that torch high and with your eternal Grace, my beloved children of Light and Love and Peace.

I adorn you now with my Love and my steadfast Faith in Love Everlasting. In Love Eternal. In Magnificent Grace and Compassion that you hold deep in your hearts now, more than ever. That cannot help (to) be felt in all the world, in all the Multiverse. And it IS felt, and it IS held high by many many more, now that you have not given up or forsaken your mission, dear precious Hearts.

I adorn you with my Love, yes, and I hold you close to my Heart, and I am a part of you all now. I hold you closely to my Heart as you hold me in yours and together we are reforming the world, we are transforming the world, and never has there been as much progress. You have taken the torch of Freedom and Love and wielded it for all to benefit, and for that we are utmost grateful here in the Higher Realms. Read the rest of this entry »


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