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Our Emerging Divinity

Greetings Dear Beloveds,

I AM Yeshua:

There is a New Reality looming for those inclined to believe and receive and partake.

It is not for the faint of heart.

For those who find the reality held by many currently in the collective mass consciousness as ‘off-the-mark’ for them, it does not sit well, and can bring despondency and confusion until you realize that you are capable of moving past that. You do not have to be tethered to the reality of the mass consciousness.

Yet, I know, it feels so prevalent that it can appear hopeless to be otherwise.

This is your challenge, Beloved Ones.

Look past and beyond the obvious, Beloveds.

Remember that you are Creator Beings, after all!

Beyond the seemingly endless horizon is a New World, a New Reality.

Do you wish to partake?

Garner your Strength and Courage and Vision and Faith and Hope.

Dwell in…

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Loving Thought from Yeshua 12.20.20

~Channeled by Fran Zepeda~

Yeshua:  “The ways of the world are precarious at best. It is up to you to ‘man the steering wheel’ for your own lives. Through that, the world falls in tow.

With your Higher Self as your trusty navigator, you will not be lost.

Just as a star lighted the way for my birth, so the bright star of your Divinity will light the way for your rebirth into your new way of Being in this world.


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Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message and audio with your friends and on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author, and this entire copyright with links are included, as well as the direct link back to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “New Earth is Aglow in Your Hearts” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 3.22.20 Read the rest of this entry »

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New Message from Yeshua: A New Day ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-19-19



Dear Sweet Beings,

This is a new day. Yes, it is a new day every day for you, but I am referring to a New Day, brought in by the New Light … Always and forever spiraling into higher vibration and frequency and allowing you to reach higher and higher dimensions.

Your divine embodiment is a delight to see. It is taking you to places that you have not been before, or rather I mean, to places you don’t always remember. For to be fully embodied with your Divine Self, to be fully in Christ Consciousness, is something you came here to do at this time, from a calling and an intent birthed many eons ago, yet, the likes of which was not ever fully comprehended.

Some of you remember us in the higher realms telling you that nothing will ever be the same, or work the same, and to be prepared for feeling lost and feeling like nothing is clicking like before, like nothing plays out the same, with a feeling of abandoning all that is familiar, and being thrust into the unknown more and more. Well, you have no doubt felt this, but now it is even more true than before.

Yet with this new phase, it is so possible to feel like you are dancing on this new energy, if you let yourself. This new light absorbs your Being, as you absorb it, and it is glorious. Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone! I’ve missed you all. Thank you for your patience while I have been away from public channeling…I am so happy to offer you this channeling from Yeshua today…Blessings and Love to All ~ Fran

Message from Yeshua:

Greetings Beloveds,

Deep inside you is transformation, of a kind and form and manner not witnessed or experienced ever. It has the quality of complete annihilation at times of all you once stood for, of all you have identified yourself with. It is a refinement and yet sometimes subtle remaking of everything you once knew. It plunges deep into your psyche and your knowing and your awareness like never before.

What do you make of this, dear ones? Where is your basis or grounding point now? It is simply to ground into Love like never before. Forget all you feel or perceive as falling apart, and launch yourselves, dear ones, into a total immersion of Divine Love, of yourself, of others, and even of everything that feels wrong with the world. Read the rest of this entry »

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Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Grounding Into Your New Reality ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ January 9, 2018


Greetings Beloveds, I AM Yeshua and I AM Mary Magdalene, in union, demonstrating our deep Divine Love, and connecting with yours. We bring you encouragement for this very important time.

This is a time of grounding into your New Reality, Beloveds, which may seem uncertain and maybe even perilous at times. There are no longer former duality-based rules on which to base your life, because you are leaving duality behind. However, there may be a tendency at times to frame new experiences on the old way of perceiving them.

There may be a tendency to dip into duality by habit at times, only to realize that you have left it. It has no substance for you anymore. But you may not yet be completely comfortable with this new way of perceiving from a place of Neutrality and Wholeness and Oneness, of Deep, abiding Divine Love, of total Unconditional Love, for yourselves and others in Unity.

Give it time, Beloveds … You might feel lost at times, but what you may not fully realize is that you have Found a new way of BEing. Read the rest of this entry »

Our Emerging Divinity

franHello Everyone….Below is the direct recording of a voice channeling that came through me tonight. I could feel it wanting to come through so I was guided to get my little digital recorder and channel this beautiful message I was receiving from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

I had just put a load of laundry in, as you may hear in the background, but I was so absorbed by the message coming through me, compelled to get it on the recorder, that I didn’t even remember or realize that the background noise was there until I listened to the recording afterwards … I was so taken over by the message coming through that the background noise was blocked out by the potent moments of receiving the message in the Now … All I could hear and feel was the energy and message vibrating in my body and pounding in my ears and I…

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yeshua-marymagdalene-pinterest-comYeshua and Mary Magdalene on Multidimensionality and Bilocation:


… Lifting into higher vibration swirls of exaltedness, while observing the many planes of existence and the many dimensions, each as all-inclusive yet distinct with each focus, you begin to glimpse the reality of Multidimensionality … Seeing all at once, and living all at once, yet with each focus you can play there on a chosen dimensionality for a while, knowing you can shift easily to the dimension of choice for that moment …

This is a small part of what you are and will be experiencing as your multidimensionality is supported by your Christ Consciousness/Source embodiment, union of all 12 aspects of Deity, and Masculine/Feminine Balance and Harmony.

That, beloveds, is the crux and the destination of all you have been working towards, and this is the time, in the coming days and into the new year, where you will become masters at it. It has many surprises, but yet all of it will feel familiar and like coming home. You will stretch and get better and better at living in this state, and from here creativity will be enhanced. And at the bottom of it is this very deep Love that sustains and excites you in its exaltedness, yet it will begin to feel very normal.

So, practice staying in this vibrational state that you have lifted to … you all are achieving it at various levels and intensity, but it’s a new platform and level for you to experience, and is preparing you for the next step, and the next step, into higher and higher levels and dimensions of existence … where you will choose in which one(s) you live for the moment, with the potential and opportunity each moment to play in the other dimensions that might feel more familiar and comfortable, yet, soon the higher states will feel so normal you won’t even notice that you have achieved it except for the difference in vibration and frequency of the high-level experiences that are now attainable to you.

And the old ways of duality will soon just feel like a dream that you can watch at whim, but not really be a part of anymore. And Bilocation will become more normal.

You will so easily shift to and recognize the level you wish to stay at, and at times shift so easily into many at once, or at least observe them while playing in the timeline of choice.

Your days will seem like moments strung together in congruity and synchronicity, with richness and depth as you enter into each moment with your full attention. This is the new way of being, and it will not look like any other day-to-day-life you have ever experienced.

You can be everywhere at once, and where once you may have been in awe of the act and ability of Archangels and Ascended Masters who can appear to everyone at once, you will start to understand and experience the how and ability and possibility of it, and the ease of it.

So, dear ones, over the days you will be experiencing many mind-warping realities as you begin to play on the planes of different dimensions with ease, and all the while lifted by the buoyancy and consistency of Love and Joy and Bliss, while tending to matters that support your physical body.  Which will no longer need as much of the mundane existence for its survival.

Creation is now how you live, and Abundance is the mainstay of your life, and forever you will ride on the waves of higher existence and know what it is to be God (your God-self).

We shall bring you more of this wisdom and insight as you become acclimated to the incoming intense waves of transformative Light. Rest and recalibrate at intervals so you may stay strengthened and the changes be more permanent.

All our love.

Mary Magdalene and Yeshua


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~ Message Received December 25, 2016

Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


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yeshua-marymagdalene-mercedeskirkel-comYeshua and Mary Magdalene:

The passage of your Linear time and the revealing of higher (ascension) timelines brings substance to your new world in ways of such high quality and essence. Beloveds, we come before you today to bring you our Love in concert and merging of the divine feminine and divine masculine which is the template of your soul and highest manifestation of reality for you in this beautiful time of expanded Christ Consciousness in the Hearts of all mankind.

In the blending of our energies we exhibit and exemplify the ultimate manifestation of your potential and possibility as a Divine Human living on this earth in complete embodiment of your divine blueprint – the complete embodiment of your Solar Christ Consciousness, of Pure Source embodiment.

Notice now how you are operating more on a higher level of resplendent Grace and Neutrality. A calmness and peace pervades you in increasingly potent moments of Now.

Feel the undulation of our energies merging together and feel it within your own bodies as the ultimate potential for divine manifestation in every cell of your bodies, in every field of your bodies, in every thought and action from now on unto eternity.

Beautiful beloveds, we bow before you and honor you in complete reverence as you experiment with your new abilities and gifts becoming unearthed and manifested with the saturation of your cells with Solar Crystalline Light, waking up and transforming your DNA and cells to reveal the true essence of you, your true divine blueprint. Shedding away are the vestiges of duality, and you can feel it, can you not, as you lift higher into your highest potential of you.

Beloveds, breathe with us now and feel you are walking side-by-side with us in the higher dimensions with your feet securely connected with Gaia’s Crystalline Grids, radiating a pure vibrant energy that is captivating and magnetic to all around you.

You demonstrate to all the sweet, loving balance of energies, of harmony and of freedom, to all in their striving to break out of their shells of duality.

Beloveds, you are fulfilling your destiny, and we support you in this beautiful endeavor. Call on us frequently to surround you with our balanced loving energy to activate the harmony and bliss inherent within you as you walk in your pure embodiment with Christ Consciousness, with Solar Light Pure Source Consciousness.

Feel your Hearts expanding to encompass all the realm of life around you as you embody what is your birthright, your Divine Union within you, and also without you with all of Humanity, all Kingdoms, and Source.

Beautiful Hearts, we bow to you and thank you for this beautiful service you are giving to all on Earth, by demonstrating your Pure Source embodiment and Divine Sovereignty while inhabiting beautiful Gaia.

Our Love for you is Eternal and abiding, always.  We Walk with you as you Walk with Humanity in your sweet pure embodiment of Christ Consciousness.

All our Love,

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.



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Received December 25, 2016

Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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December 24, 2011

Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven:

We come to you on this very auspicious day, the eve of the birth of my beloved Yeshua. The world began to transform that day and the love and joy in my heart and womb brought tears to my heart as a new beginning for Earth was destined to commence. The love has not died. It remains as an eternal flame in all your bosoms, as it is in mine, as I come before you with a message of love – Love and Mercy, my dear ones.  I am the harbinger of Love, the mother of Grace, and I beseech you all to be the heralders of love for all mankind. It is within you, and is being spread without you, bearing so much radiance that you would be astounded were you to see it from our perspective.

We know this journey has not been one of ease for you all. You took on the task many eons ago with such courage and hope, and we assure you that all is transpiring according to Divine Plan and Order. You are all in a position to finally reap the rewards of your arduous and bittersweet journey, my dear ones. The Company of Heaven is so pleased and inspired with your loving hearts and deeds. We wish for you that the peace that is in your hearts deepens and grows with each passing day. Please rest assured that with each beat of your heart, you are becoming One with Creator.

Absorb the massive amounts of light and crystalline energy being given to you now, and keep spreading it and sharing it with others. Feel the Unity and Oneness that you all have worked so hard to achieve, my dear ones, for it will sustain you through the coming year. You will be astounded by the changes that are and will be occurring, but then you already are putting them in motion with your creative hearts.

Please take care of yourselves. You are all so precious to us. Keep the steady pace you are maintaining and it will not fail to yield such joyful new beginnings. We have such deep and abiding love for all of you, my dear ones. You are precious beyond your mere understanding; you will soon be discovering my meaning as you shed the last vestiges of illusion and take your rightful place with Creator as One.

We of the Company of Heaven are your faithful, loving servants. Have a peaceful, joyous season of Celebration, and may that joy and peace build and grow with each passing day for you.

We thank you all for your service to the Light,

Mother Mary for the Company of Heaven

Thank you, Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven

Fran Zepeda

Copyright © 2011-2017 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, credit is given to the author, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: and


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