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AUDIO of Direct Voice Channeling Mary Magdalene Received 2.5.17



imagesText of Mary Magdalene’s Message:

Greetings Beloveds, I AM Mary Magdalene. I come to you in a blissful state, so that you may bring forth this within you.

All the happenings in this world are for a purpose. And they do not follow always the path of Love. But you have that within you, to transform all into the path of Love.

I beseech you, beloveds. Stay within that blissful, high vibration, loving state. For all will benefit, and you will rise into your Excellence, of Pure Love Energy, transforming all around you.

It is not for anyone to take that away from you. Do not listen to the utterings of those in fear. They just follow the old human ways of living on this earth. But you have a new way, beloveds. You have a way of living that encompasses everything that is Love and Bliss and Harmony, and All That Is.

Beloveds, walk with me. Walk with me and feel my Love. Feel my Bliss. Feel my Harmony … and Grace. For that is for your taking, at all times. For it is You, when you are Free of the emotions of fear, when you are Free of the emotions of doubt. And feel the rise in your energy when you accept that All is Well … All Is as it should be.

All Consciousness is rising, beloveds. Get aboard that ‘train’ of high vibration and Love. For it is there for you to enter, and to embrace.

You are so loved. You are Perfection. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. You meet your human self every day and have the choice to feel the higher qualities of Christ Consciousness, of Unity Consciousness, of Pure Source Embodiment. It is There! …. It is THERE.

Allow yourself to be there. Ride on the waves of Pure Love and Grace and Ease. Color everything with your Love. Perform every act with your Love. Create what you want with such deep Love for yourself and others. It can switch in a moment. Don’t be afraid to try.

You are tapping the Higher Realms all the time. You are There. Do not be deterred by what is seemingly happening all around you, for it is just the dying of the old ways, making themselves bold around you, but at the same time, it can be flicked away with the switch of your perspective, to bring in the positive, loving, graceful way of Being.

Beloveds, tap that within you. You are all at the forefront of this, those who listen to me (this message).

Follow my energy, as you listen. Feel the clarity of only looking at things from a pure, innocent place, from a pure Present Moment.

All just falls away that is in resistance, when you allow yourself to do that. You are so capable of being in this higher, loving embrace of life. Allow it to enter into every cell of your body, this Pure, Loving, Graceful Embrace of Life.

Feel Creator’s Love as you do this, for it is all (what) you are capable of. You can match it every moment that you choose to.

Beloveds, you are the same as my energy when you allow your Pure Divine Essence, your Pure Loving Essence to be at the forefront of every thought and every action.

Nothing can deter you from creating the Highest and Best Life for you and for all those around you, by choosing to be in Creator’s embrace, by choosing to demonstrate Creator’s Love, by being your Pure Divine Self in this very moment. Just allow it … Allow it, dear ones.

I love you with all my Heart.

With Pure Love Essence,

I AM Mary Magdalene.


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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1743592_10151997588740547_1041195627_nMother Mary:


Hello sweet beautiful Beloveds. As you Breathe in the Love of Creator, of Source, you become more whole and vibrant with the Love Essence that you are. As you breathe in and out, you encompass the Universe, you encompass the Multiverse, composed of All-That-Is….You become All-That-Is. You become One with All. You reacquaint yourselves with the Source Divine Energy that you are – It is Simply You. Everything else is Extraneous.

You are Beautiful Beings beyond all measure as you dip into your True Essence, as you breathe the fresh light air and atmosphere of the Gods. For that is what you all are: Creator Gods coming into your True Being, composed of Light and Love and evermore of Purity. You are Purity. You are Innocence. You are Powerful.

All the beauty of the world that you are breathing in is fodder for more creation of Beauty, more creation of Love, creations of the purest sense and the purest form. Breathe in and out LOVE, and the Beauty of the World will manifest in the form of your pure loving thoughts and dreams. Read the rest of this entry »

LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:


Hello my dear ones. Greetings from the Celestial Realm and All-That-Is, available to you right now with just your intention. For it is becoming clear to you that all is merging on a deeper level within you and much is opening for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned.

Expansion, dear ones; that is the name of the game: Expansion of your Golden Christed Self, your Ascended Self, your connection with the deeper parts of you, that connection with your Higher Self and higher. You are learning to live and survive and be within a much more enlightened place of indwelling and this is the point of center that you will emerge from and merge with forever more; see if you can push out from that point to infinity, to encompass All-That-Is. Dwell there, dear ones. That is your rightful place. Read the rest of this entry »

Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:

Hello Dear Ones. We come before you today to give you more news of your enlightenment.

So much is being said and touted about the energy downloads of late, and indeed an increase is building as we speak. So much is there for you to absorb and welcome. Please welcome it now with your full hearts, dear ones.

Never in your history has this much Light been offered to you and you are receiving it well. It may be taking some adjustments in your lifestyles and your energy, but it is so well worth it. For this is the beginning of so much you could never have imagined was possible.  Read the rest of this entry »

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:

Hello, Dear Ones, our brave Lightworkers that you are. We come before you today to speak of Faith. Faith is an elusive term at times and at best.

We beseech you not to waiver in your faith, your faith in what is to come, of what is happening in your lives right now. For, dear ones, it all depends upon your Faith.

Faith for some right now is being put to the test, for what appears to be reality is not always what you had hoped for. We are here to tell you that now is the time to look beyond what is seemingly your reality, beyond what you are hearing and seeing and experiencing with your five senses. Read the rest of this entry »

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:

Greetings, fellow Lightworkers. I come before you today with the Company of Heaven to rejoice in your commendable progress.

Throughout your World there has been much awakening, an opening of proportions not seen before. You may be feeling a lull of energy right now, but behold that with this is stirring much that is unseen.

My dear friends, what is your desire for your World? Make that forefront in your minds and hearts right now. With the energies now present you may mold anything you like. Do not let any boundaries of prior thought patterns hold you back. You are leaving that behind with all the releasing of old energies of duality that you all have been so immersed in of late.  Read the rest of this entry »


Abiding by the Laws of the Universe has not always been a priority for humanity.  There has been a major disconnect for such a long time. Now humanity’s collective consciousness has more fully embraced the Laws of the Universe.  Even though these laws have always been in force, humanity has not been in rhythm with them up until now.

Behold the massive shift in Light and Love. That could not have been possible had the power not shifted in rhythm with the Laws of the Universe. You are going to find much more synchronicity as a result of this.

Now, with the impending alignment and balance of the masculine and feminine energies, much more is possible. This is a major step in returning to Source and becoming One with All That Is.  Read the rest of this entry »


Greetings, fellow travelers into the 5th Dimension and beyond! All is well. Your progress has been outstanding, and astounding to some, we know.

Behold the changes. Be with them, cherish them, allow yourselves to adjust to them, and revel in them! A new dawn is approaching and you have begun an unprecedented time, dear ones.

Your loving Gaia thanks you for your assistance so far and she enfolds you in the Love you so freely are giving Her. Be prepared for even more changes as you settle into the present upliftment. Read the rest of this entry »

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:

We speak to you today about Bliss. Bliss is your natural state. You go in and out of this state many times in the day. Many things bring you out of it. You are learning to monitor this, and not allow your thoughts to drift into lower vibrations, more and more.

You may not recognize Bliss at times. For it is becoming more and more a part of you in these days of parting 3rd dimensional thought. Breathing in that feeling of Bliss in the moment will help you to sustain it.

The love in your hearts that you are cultivating more and more is expanding your reality of Bliss and Joy, dear ones. When it comes into your heart, revel in it and feel it deeply. Be still and take it in. You can even see it in your minds-eye and feel it in your body. Take note of it and expand it and allow it and just be in it. Read the rest of this entry »

April 26, 2012


Greetings,  beautiful Souls of Mother Earth and beyond. I come before you today to bring you news that will lift your heart and cleanse your soul.

Many events are about to commence, Dear Ones. All around the Universes, beings wait with bated breath and awe at what you have all done to increase the Light and raise the energies all around you. We bow before you, for you are all great beings of the Light, all you Lightworkers and Lightbearers who have come to witness the great awakening, to herald it and bring it about. Read the rest of this entry »


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