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Illumination and Inspiration on: “Darkness to Light” from Lady Nada ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda 3.8.20 Read the rest of this entry »

AUDIO: Fran Zepeda.11.26.17


Mary Magdalene: Embrace Your Eternal Nature ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 11.26.17


The Sweetness of Life is upon you. The Joy that is yours is ever-present. Because you choose it, dear ones. Embrace the Sweetness, embrace the Joy, for it is always at your fingertips. For you are Multidimensional and powerful beyond the scope of your understanding, dear ones.

Feel the Light as it is welcomed by your cells, by your body. You are living in a new LightWorld. Step into it in every moment of your Presence.

My Beloveds, you are exquisite in your vibrant Lightbodies. The Crystalline nature of you is ever-increasing. Feel the changes, welcome the changes, BE the changes. Allow yourself to breathe in and out, feel the ebb and flow of this new energy you have stepped into, with your acceptance and your choice.

It is exquisite.

I wish to talk with you about your eternal nature. Embrace your Eternal Nature. You are tapping into it with a deeper understanding of its inevitability. The expansiveness you are beginning to feel is testament to this. Embrace your Expansiveness, embrace your Higher Consciousness. Step into your new reality of choosing to be in the higher dimensions while walking around in your earth suit.

Feel the Joy and the Bliss of experiencing everything from this Eternal Nature. And when you must be in daily life, dealing with daily matters, it is viewed and executed from this higher perspective, this higher consciousness.

You have entered into a new Reality, Beloveds. And the old is falling away. Lift yourselves with each breath, with each heartbeat … expand into a sustaining place of Joy and Grace and Love. Feel the softness and yet the vibrancy of this new frequency and dimension you are experiencing.

Divine Love is the container for you to live in now. Everything is defined and motivated by this container if you allow it. Within this container you cannot feel unsafe, you cannot feel lacking, you cannot feel depleted, for it is ever-flowing and sustaining.

And within it is the Sweetness, within it is the Joy, ever-present as long as you embrace this constant Divine Love container that you live in, Beloveds.

Feel the calmness and the Peace of it. Step into your eternal nature of higher consciousness, fully immersed in Love, Beloveds.

It will have the ability to change your perspective on everything, when you dip into daily life, when you walk amongst those not awakened. For you spark their awakening, bestow the seed of awakening, upon those you walk with.

Embrace your eternal nature, Beloveds. Embrace your Divine Being that is becoming fully embodied within this physical vehicle. You have opened the curtain to your eternal nature that sees all things from a divine perspective. Rejoice, Beloveds. And be in Joy. You are ‘Living Light’ now. Embrace it. And sustain it with each breath you take.

Whatever you are experiencing that may draw your attention away from this Divine Nature, this Eternal Nature that you are, is just a ‘drop in the bucket’ of your new Reality. The solution will come easily and effortlessly as you embrace these higher frequencies that allow you to see everything from your eternal nature.

I ‘stand’ before you as an equal, as an encouragement to embrace your Full Divine Selves in everything you do. Hold everything in the Light of your Divine Selves, Beloveds, and the solution will come. The understanding will come. Who you truly Are Will BEcome.

Forever and always, I am your companion in this beautiful dance you call Life.


I AM Mary Magdalene


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


Ascended Master Lanto:

Greetings, all. I am Master Lanto, here to bring you tidings and Love from all the Spiritual Realm. It is not ever that I have appeared through this channel, but find it necessary to bring my words of encouragement for your Ascension through her today, my dear ones.

Throughout the times of your growth over the ages, over the eons since your fall into duality, I have been with you, watching your progress. I now again offer my support and my encouragement on your long but illustrious journey along through Ascension.

Many times you have wondered, as you trekked along this winding road back to Oneness, as to your value and as to your capability to succeed. Well, I am here to tell you that you are all succeeding beautifully. It was not for the weak of spirit or faint of heart to embark on this wonderful path you are all on, my dear ones. No, it took and is taking great strength and wisdom and courage to continue.

And for this I offer you my advice this day. With each breath you take, on this your fortuitous* journey into your Ascension, abide by your beginnings as magnificent Beings of Light,  that you have always been. You have tapped a great deal of that potential so far. What remains is for you to step up the pace, my dear ones.  Read the rest of this entry »

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:

Hello, Dear Ones, our brave Lightworkers that you are. We come before you today to speak of Faith. Faith is an elusive term at times and at best.

We beseech you not to waiver in your faith, your faith in what is to come, of what is happening in your lives right now. For, dear ones, it all depends upon your Faith.

Faith for some right now is being put to the test, for what appears to be reality is not always what you had hoped for. We are here to tell you that now is the time to look beyond what is seemingly your reality, beyond what you are hearing and seeing and experiencing with your five senses. Read the rest of this entry »

Archangel Michael and Yeshua:

We bring you great tidings from the Spiritual Realm as we watch over you with deep pride and love. Nothing can take away the great progress and development you have accomplished. The light quotient is at an all-time high and we salute you.

Be prepared for massive shifts and changes, as we have been telling you. We would like to speak to you about your heart, which has been undergoing many changes. Massive downloads of energy have caused the hearts of many of you to open up in ways that you may not be totally aware of, dear ones. You may have noticed that you have lost interest in many things, and new interests are popping up. You may feel reluctance at letting go of old relationships and careers and old ways of doing things, because you identified deeply with it. You may feel like it is a betrayal and so you feel bad about letting go of people and things. Read the rest of this entry »


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