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Message from Lady Nada ~ “Our Light is Your Light” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone!  Been away from blogging for a while as I have been very busy with clients, however I have been desiring to share some inspiration with you, and so I offer this to you today, with Love and Blessings to all! ~ with Love, Fran


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Illumination and Inspiration: On Maintaining High Vibration ~ by Fran Zepeda 10.19.19:

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New Message from Yeshua: A New Day ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-19-19



Dear Sweet Beings,

This is a new day. Yes, it is a new day every day for you, but I am referring to a New Day, brought in by the New Light … Always and forever spiraling into higher vibration and frequency and allowing you to reach higher and higher dimensions.

Your divine embodiment is a delight to see. It is taking you to places that you have not been before, or rather I mean, to places you don’t always remember. For to be fully embodied with your Divine Self, to be fully in Christ Consciousness, is something you came here to do at this time, from a calling and an intent birthed many eons ago, yet, the likes of which was not ever fully comprehended.

Some of you remember us in the higher realms telling you that nothing will ever be the same, or work the same, and to be prepared for feeling lost and feeling like nothing is clicking like before, like nothing plays out the same, with a feeling of abandoning all that is familiar, and being thrust into the unknown more and more. Well, you have no doubt felt this, but now it is even more true than before.

Yet with this new phase, it is so possible to feel like you are dancing on this new energy, if you let yourself. This new light absorbs your Being, as you absorb it, and it is glorious. Read the rest of this entry »

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A Loving Thought, from my Heart to Yours:

Treating oneself with abundant Love and Care is a practice that doesn’t come easily to many.

Try Holding yourself and your energy like a devoted loving mother would.

See yourself in a womb of Divine Love and Nurture.

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Hello Everyone! I’ve missed you all. Thank you for your patience while I have been away from public channeling…I am so happy to offer you this channeling from Yeshua today…Blessings and Love to All ~ Fran

Message from Yeshua:

Greetings Beloveds,

Deep inside you is transformation, of a kind and form and manner not witnessed or experienced ever. It has the quality of complete annihilation at times of all you once stood for, of all you have identified yourself with. It is a refinement and yet sometimes subtle remaking of everything you once knew. It plunges deep into your psyche and your knowing and your awareness like never before.

What do you make of this, dear ones? Where is your basis or grounding point now? It is simply to ground into Love like never before. Forget all you feel or perceive as falling apart, and launch yourselves, dear ones, into a total immersion of Divine Love, of yourself, of others, and even of everything that feels wrong with the world. Read the rest of this entry »

image credit: Quangpraha @


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Grounding Into Your New Reality ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ January 9, 2018


Greetings Beloveds, I AM Yeshua and I AM Mary Magdalene, in union, demonstrating our deep Divine Love, and connecting with yours. We bring you encouragement for this very important time.

This is a time of grounding into your New Reality, Beloveds, which may seem uncertain and maybe even perilous at times. There are no longer former duality-based rules on which to base your life, because you are leaving duality behind. However, there may be a tendency at times to frame new experiences on the old way of perceiving them.

There may be a tendency to dip into duality by habit at times, only to realize that you have left it. It has no substance for you anymore. But you may not yet be completely comfortable with this new way of perceiving from a place of Neutrality and Wholeness and Oneness, of Deep, abiding Divine Love, of total Unconditional Love, for yourselves and others in Unity.

Give it time, Beloveds … You might feel lost at times, but what you may not fully realize is that you have Found a new way of BEing. Read the rest of this entry »


A Loving Thought, from my Heart to Yours:

In every situation, there is a balance of Peace and Love to attain. Tune in and Hold the situation up to the Light of your Soul, your Heart, your Higher Self, your connection with Source, of your highest vibration, and this will shed new understanding and acceptance of its purpose in your life and of the gift it holds.

It is not always what it seems, it is not always what you make of it with your perception of what it used to mean or create in your life up to now. An entirely new perspective from the Light of your Soul brings you into a balanced state of Peace and Love and Harmony and Grace where there used to be angst or confusion or doubt or fear.

All it takes is holding it in the Light of your highest self and instead of a place of resistance and attempt to understand it from the state of your fear or confusion, or old beliefs. Clear that confusion and fear and the stagnation of your old beliefs with a fresh perspective from the state of LOVE and GRATITUDE and PEACE and GRACE. You will reveal wondrous things.


With Love and Blessings ~ Fran Zepeda


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comIllumination and Inspiration from Yeshua on Freedom ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-22-16

Dear Ones,

I wish to speak to you today of Freedom. I begin by saying that it is helpful to orient oneself to the perspective of seeing one’s life as having the freedom TO do or be, as opposed to freedom From something. With this focus you are free to move beyond and clear old patterns with the intention to move forward into the Light and your new life without dwelling on the past, which is just your learning ground. And with moving forward and embracing and inhabiting what you have learned, you are free to catapult to wider expansive realities, which is your true birthright.

Freedom is the allowance and acceptance of the expansion to one’s True Being, to discover the infinite possibilities. It is to extend oneself beyond limitations. It is the opening of the doors that are just waiting to be opened, what you are being encouraged to open by your Higher Self. It is the ultimate sacrifice of, and letting go of, one’s limiting boundaries, self-imposed as they are.

Be that as it may, you are gathering and building your wings to deliver yourself to your full Divine Self, and sometimes it takes seeing where you are restricted in order to choose to let something go, to open yourself to wider vistas. Remember that you always have this choice to move beyond where you are restricting yourself, and it is always inherent within you the means to do so, thus delivering yourself to Freedom. Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone!  I came across this post I wrote a couple years ago after the June Solstice of 2014 while I was looking for something else on my blog and it jumped out at me! … and so I was guided to share it with you again …. I,  for one, was needing to be reminded of this state of mind and heart again, as today I am not feeling it so much!!  🙂  and thought perhaps it might inspire you too….Blessings!

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Ladybugs, Dragonflies…and Love ~

Thoughts on the wake of June Solstice 2014 ~ Our Emerging Divinity ~ June 29, 2014 ~ by Fran Zepeda:

~  I agree to Open beyond my beliefs, judgments and mindsets Now, and allow all to flow and open up a whole New World I never want to leave again.

It is exquisite and all-encompassing.

Just a switch in my perceptions – a guardian monitor of my thoughts – opens them up and makes me aware of their limitations and I open more and welcome the unknown, the flow.

I open up to my full creativity and do not worry about pre-laid plans, for all will find its place in the scheme of things based on an entirely new framework of Now.

Nothing is forced and everything is in flow as I welcome my higher aspects into my Heart with warmth and sweet Joy.

I throw the pieces of my life Now into the mix of the flow and watch them re-orient and shift into a celestial and magical new pattern.

I am in the flow.

I put away all judgments and move past them, like a vehicle expertly maneuvering bumps and turns in the road, and I fly out into the unknown in full comfort and safety Now, for my higher aspects are leading the way.

I explore my higher aspects Now and get to know everything from that perspective. How beautiful everything is…

…from the fluttering butterfly finding its way to me and circling around me as if wanting to get to know me, as I admire the beauty and grace and lightness of its Being… (and “hear” that “Butterflies are fearless in their transformation…they are beautiful and endless in their endurance to break out of the old mold/cocoon”…as are we)…

…to the ladybug I encounter on a leaf, as if in zoom-lens mode – I delight in its existence and sudden appearance…

…to the sweet hummingbird who just flew in to perch on my tree, resting, and seemingly waiting for its turn on the feeder, as I sit writing this…

…and then later, as I am in a yoga pose near the feeder, it suddenly comes very close to me, circling my head and body, and then gazing right at and through me, as if to greet and commune with me as I reach a very serene and peaceful centered place in my pose. It acts curious yet respectful, as it gets very close to my face as I reciprocate my curiosity and enjoyment in the interaction…

…to the dragonfly suddenly crashing into my view with a speed and power I admire….

…to the awareness of the beautiful lilting music softly playing in the background…

…to the joyful sound of the gurgling fountain as birds splash and bathe in it…

And these “small” things become “Big” as I view them from my higher aspects…

For joy can be found in all things if they are lit up by our higher aspects.

And likewise, everything that is Not viewed as beautiful from our old 3D perspective becomes loved and cherished as well…for there becomes no separation. Everything is viewed without judgment and with acceptance and Love when lit up by our higher aspects.

It just IS, and thus doesn’t provoke any adverse reaction.

Within the space of this newly-oriented perspective comes many insights we were not equipped to enjoy before, a plethora of new feelings and thoughts and experiences, if we open our view to that of our higher aspects. All becomes serene and magical and wondrous, for it makes up the ALL of life and existence.

As I allow myself to be open and flowing, a beautiful vibrant pink flower that catches my eye suddenly welcomes me into its existence and I become one with it momentarily, experiencing the flower in its sweet fragrance and vibrant energy and color. Our energies mesh and I am part of it as it beckons me in.

The same is true with Celestial Beings, who beckon me to listen to their essence and message as I hum to their vibration and receive powerful waves of Love and inspiring messages to uplift. I find now, more often than not, that they deliver messages to me without any preparation in the form of formal or dedicated meditation – That meditative channeling state Now is becoming my natural way of Being.

I am in awe of what we can experience if we just open and put aside pre-conceived agendas, ideas, beliefs and experiences, and open to the wonders of the higher dimensions, lit up by our higher aspects NOW.

Everything Now is colored by those higher aspects and nothing feels mundane or ‘dirty’.  All is aglow with its own light, and colored by our own inner light to see the higher aspects, essence, message and gift of it.

A jubilant feeling of exultant and exalting Joy overtakes me as I welcome my higher aspects to take up more steady residence and presence in charge of my perception Now.

I close my eyes Now and ‘see’ vibrant colors and hues and feel vibrant Love energy in every inch of me. I am In LOVE.

In conclusion, I offer this poem from my Heart to Yours:



I open my arms to Infinity,

And Bask in Love Everlasting.


If just for a moment Now, I forget all worldly things,

And Rejoice in Love Everlasting.


Love touches everything Now in my existence;

It doesn’t miss a thing.


As I open my arms to Infinity,

And Bask in Love Everlasting,

Nothing will ever Be the same.


All my Love…




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©2014-2016 Fran Zepeda.  All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are


Received 10.29.15


Now is the time to take stock of your beautiful accomplishments in this, your journey of ascension. You may feel all is in chaos right now, or perhaps you feel you do not know yourself anymore. All good, dear ones, for you have entered yet another phase of your ascension.

Let it be told and let it be known that All is well. All is as it should be. You have reached a very crucial time in your development and it is time to acknowledge all you have accomplished and all you have endured on this beautiful journey of ascension.

With each step up the ladder of ascension, you encounter new vistas, new ways of looking at things, and it may seem like all has been tumbled into a form not quite discernable or fathomable to your “naked eye” of your new spiritual vision as of this moment. Read the rest of this entry »


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