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Our Emerging Divinity

Loving Thought of the Day

By Fran Zepeda


joy-theodysseyonline-com“Choosing to BE in the World of JOY, takes you there, with its myriad possibilities and Light-filled moments of Now … Exalted and Passionate, Humble and Elated you are, in this Joy-filled Moment that you can return to at any moment.

To feel what it is like to be in, to feel, and feel into, this exalted state, is to know it … BE it, Beloveds.

JOY is a state of Being you can choose to be in at any moment of time … Choose to be in JOY, this Moment … this Now Moment, Beloveds.”

Namaste ~ Fran Zepeda

Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed…

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Hello Everyone!  I came across this post I wrote a couple years ago after the June Solstice of 2014 while I was looking for something else on my blog and it jumped out at me! … and so I was guided to share it with you again …. I,  for one, was needing to be reminded of this state of mind and heart again, as today I am not feeling it so much!!  🙂  and thought perhaps it might inspire you too….Blessings!

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Ladybugs, Dragonflies…and Love ~

Thoughts on the wake of June Solstice 2014 ~ Our Emerging Divinity ~ June 29, 2014 ~ by Fran Zepeda:

~  I agree to Open beyond my beliefs, judgments and mindsets Now, and allow all to flow and open up a whole New World I never want to leave again.

It is exquisite and all-encompassing.

Just a switch in my perceptions – a guardian monitor of my thoughts – opens them up and makes me aware of their limitations and I open more and welcome the unknown, the flow.

I open up to my full creativity and do not worry about pre-laid plans, for all will find its place in the scheme of things based on an entirely new framework of Now.

Nothing is forced and everything is in flow as I welcome my higher aspects into my Heart with warmth and sweet Joy.

I throw the pieces of my life Now into the mix of the flow and watch them re-orient and shift into a celestial and magical new pattern.

I am in the flow.

I put away all judgments and move past them, like a vehicle expertly maneuvering bumps and turns in the road, and I fly out into the unknown in full comfort and safety Now, for my higher aspects are leading the way.

I explore my higher aspects Now and get to know everything from that perspective. How beautiful everything is…

…from the fluttering butterfly finding its way to me and circling around me as if wanting to get to know me, as I admire the beauty and grace and lightness of its Being… (and “hear” that “Butterflies are fearless in their transformation…they are beautiful and endless in their endurance to break out of the old mold/cocoon”…as are we)…

…to the ladybug I encounter on a leaf, as if in zoom-lens mode – I delight in its existence and sudden appearance…

…to the sweet hummingbird who just flew in to perch on my tree, resting, and seemingly waiting for its turn on the feeder, as I sit writing this…

…and then later, as I am in a yoga pose near the feeder, it suddenly comes very close to me, circling my head and body, and then gazing right at and through me, as if to greet and commune with me as I reach a very serene and peaceful centered place in my pose. It acts curious yet respectful, as it gets very close to my face as I reciprocate my curiosity and enjoyment in the interaction…

…to the dragonfly suddenly crashing into my view with a speed and power I admire….

…to the awareness of the beautiful lilting music softly playing in the background…

…to the joyful sound of the gurgling fountain as birds splash and bathe in it…

And these “small” things become “Big” as I view them from my higher aspects…

For joy can be found in all things if they are lit up by our higher aspects.

And likewise, everything that is Not viewed as beautiful from our old 3D perspective becomes loved and cherished as well…for there becomes no separation. Everything is viewed without judgment and with acceptance and Love when lit up by our higher aspects.

It just IS, and thus doesn’t provoke any adverse reaction.

Within the space of this newly-oriented perspective comes many insights we were not equipped to enjoy before, a plethora of new feelings and thoughts and experiences, if we open our view to that of our higher aspects. All becomes serene and magical and wondrous, for it makes up the ALL of life and existence.

As I allow myself to be open and flowing, a beautiful vibrant pink flower that catches my eye suddenly welcomes me into its existence and I become one with it momentarily, experiencing the flower in its sweet fragrance and vibrant energy and color. Our energies mesh and I am part of it as it beckons me in.

The same is true with Celestial Beings, who beckon me to listen to their essence and message as I hum to their vibration and receive powerful waves of Love and inspiring messages to uplift. I find now, more often than not, that they deliver messages to me without any preparation in the form of formal or dedicated meditation – That meditative channeling state Now is becoming my natural way of Being.

I am in awe of what we can experience if we just open and put aside pre-conceived agendas, ideas, beliefs and experiences, and open to the wonders of the higher dimensions, lit up by our higher aspects NOW.

Everything Now is colored by those higher aspects and nothing feels mundane or ‘dirty’.  All is aglow with its own light, and colored by our own inner light to see the higher aspects, essence, message and gift of it.

A jubilant feeling of exultant and exalting Joy overtakes me as I welcome my higher aspects to take up more steady residence and presence in charge of my perception Now.

I close my eyes Now and ‘see’ vibrant colors and hues and feel vibrant Love energy in every inch of me. I am In LOVE.

In conclusion, I offer this poem from my Heart to Yours:



I open my arms to Infinity,

And Bask in Love Everlasting.


If just for a moment Now, I forget all worldly things,

And Rejoice in Love Everlasting.


Love touches everything Now in my existence;

It doesn’t miss a thing.


As I open my arms to Infinity,

And Bask in Love Everlasting,

Nothing will ever Be the same.


All my Love…




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©2014-2016 Fran Zepeda.  All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are


imagesReceived February 18, 2015

Greetings Beloveds. I come before you today to deliver a message of Love and Well-Being to you all. For all is well. For all is as it should be. Pull yourselves back from your expectations and thought-forms of striving for ‘life as it should be’ and Be Now in this Moment with me.

All is well. All is as it should be. All is encompassed in this Now Moment as an inkling of more creation in the next moment. And so it goes. Pull back into the Now. Pull back into the center of your being and find that all is well, all is as it should be. Stop the striving and gather your heart into the Now, into the center of your being and life, and feel with it, now with me.

What is it you are feeling? What is it you are noticing? The stillness beckons you. Pull back into that stillness now, beloveds, and travel with me into the deeper recesses of your Heart. For now is the time to live there fully. Read the rest of this entry »


Hello Beloveds,

It is I, Mary Magdalene, bringing you sweet tidings and abundant Love to all who tune in to my energy this day. I AM full of Love for you All. I AM deep within your hearts this Now Moment.

I wish to speak with you today about Love. About Abundant Love to which you have all fostered a deeper connection to and understanding of in these recent times. You understand it on a much deeper level now, do you not?

Do you understand deeply that YOU ARE LOVE? As you accept the perpetual divine energies pouring into you constantly now, you are no doubt establishing a much deeper understanding of that. As a part of Source, you are also the essence of Source: Love. Read the rest of this entry »

www.starseeds.netChanneled by Fran Zepeda July 27, 2014


Lady Nada and Mother Mary:

Hello dear sweet ones. We come before you together again to bring you Love Everlasting in concert and in Union for this Now Moment in ever-cascading streams of Love Everlasting and Enduring for all to tap into Forever and Always.

We are your mentors and guides in this in this Now Moment and we deliver our Love to you this moment and always in complete openness and fullness of all your Hearts put together. For imagine that, dear ones – Love Everlasting in Union with all Hearts at the same moment; it is a monumental task to undertake, yet fulfilling and magnificent in scope.

And so dear ones, we are here to help you examine and accept your capacity to do this, to join your Love Everlasting with all Hearts and with your whole Hearts. What a sweet ambrosia it is, dear ones. The scope and capacity and possibility of this very thing has increased monumentally in the last few months in your measure of time, and indeed moment-to-moment. For Love Essence is building globally, universally, and multiversally with the building of Love in each Heart upon this planet. Read the rest of this entry »

Archangel Zadkiel

Artist Unknown

Archangel Zadkiel:

Greetings fellow travelers into the 5th Dimension and beyond. I AM Zadkiel, your guide in transforming your energy into the pureness of the higher dimensions. I stand with you and beside you in this endeavor as we embark together, exploring the higher dimensions in the purest degree.

I help you absorb all impurities and transmute them as they make way for more pure energy to remain in your Light Bodies. I implore you to stay within these higher aspects of yourself, in the pure energies of your True Divine Essence, and to welcome all impurities to show themselves to you and thus be lighted and transmuted to clear the way for your Emergence into the higher dimensions.

I am your guide, I am your example, and I am your mirror for complete transcendence as you clear the remaining impurities of the 3rd Dimension to find your gateway to the 4th, 5th and Higher Dimensions waiting and open for your transcendence. Read the rest of this entry »


adamantine.lightgrid.ning.comMother Mary:


My dear precious harbingers of Light and Love. There was a time when I appeared before this channel and announced those very qualities in myself. But now I say them as applied to you all. For you have indeed turned another corner; a milestone in your development has been reached and you stand now so engulfed and encased in luminous Light and Love that you stand ready to spread it in an even more monumental way than previously.

For attached to you now is a sustaining connection to Source and Oneness, the likes of which have not been seen since your early days of inception. For the full glory of it is still to be felt and still to be understood, but know, dear ones, that you have arrived at a Pinnacle of Love never reached before. And I say to you now: enjoy it, embrace it and use it to create the world you want, if even in the words you speak and the gestures you make and the actions you take. Let them be from this new place of Love that is vibrating and reverberating within you now.

Let not your physical encasement be any boundary to your immersion in and expression of this love. Walk talk and Be it 24/7 now, dear ones. Read the rest of this entry »

mother mary


Mother Mary:


Hello Sweet Ones. I come before you and within you today to bring sweet refrains of Love Essence that you are delving into and refining ever so much. I bow to your essence as you bow to mine and together we mesh in sweet abundance of Love everlasting.

Come with me now as we go deeper into your Love Essence, into your sweet all-encompassing abundantly-aware LOVE, for you are ready now to go deeper and to own more of your essence, your sweet essence of LOVE everlasting.

The fabric of your life is changing, dear ones. You can feel it, I am sure. You have entered a new sojourn, a new level of refinement. Have you noticed, dear ones, that you are more refined in your capture of your Love Essence? Read the rest of this entry »

Artist Unknown

Archangel Zadkiel:


Hello Precious Ones. I AM Zadkiel, Archangel of the almighty violet flame, the flame of truth and purification. Many of you know me. I hover around you lately and assist with purification and transmutation. You are all clearing in immense leaps and bounds these days, and you have required much assistance of many in the Celestial and Galactic Realm to boost your awareness and boost your abilities to clear and transmute to reveal the true essence of You that is emerging ever steadily and true.


As you survey your “Kingdom of Truth”, you have been privy to many new insights and remembrances of what you are composed of and what you are made of and what your purpose is. And albeit difficult at times to encompass all that you are, without being blocked by expectations and qualifications, you are proceeding nicely along this path of ever-expansion into who you truly are.


You see, you are made up of so many things, but yet you are made up of simply the frequency of LOVE. And not so simply as yet. Many of you have been dipping into the deep deep reservoir of their Love Essence as it has been made itself more present and obvious that you are swimming in it, that you are encompassed by it, and that yet you encompass it at the same time. It has always been there, but not so obvious. There has been a wall, invisible at best, but a wall that signified separation, the theme of the day for many many eons. Read the rest of this entry » Nada (Received 4.4.14):


Hello dear ones, my precious frequency travelers and way showers for Peace and LOVE. You are magnificent. I cannot tell you this enough. You are riding along an ever-increasing wave of LOVE now. Can you feel it? Is it enveloping you just as you are enveloping it? Good. I can perceive this, dear ones, just as you are beginning to. And it is becoming such a part of you.


It is like you are completely cushioned in LOVE now, as you accept the beautiful energies coming in and as you spread them out. It is becoming so clear to many of you that you have arrived at a new level of your awakening. You have slipped quietly into it and now you are still trying it on for size and fit. And it is a perfect fit for You Now In This Moment. It delivers to you more peace and it delivers to you more clarity, does it not?


Oh, my dear ones, you are no doubt discovering that you really did not fully fathom before what it would be like to swim constantly in this Lake of Love, this Ocean of Love, this expanded you that encompasses so much more now. You have extended your boundaries and are much more comfortable in this expanded state, so much so that it is becoming quite familiar, and you are growing quite fond of the increased feelings of  this expansion, for as you allowed it and stopped resisting it, it has become such a natural part of your existence, and as you adjust your view to encompass this new vista, you will maintain and receive many new insights and revelations and a new side of looking at things that is so intrinsic to your new way of being, your New Selves. Read the rest of this entry »


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