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Our Emerging Divinity

Greetings Dear Beloveds,

I AM Yeshua:

There is a New Reality looming for those inclined to believe and receive and partake.

It is not for the faint of heart.

For those who find the reality held by many currently in the collective mass consciousness as ‘off-the-mark’ for them, it does not sit well, and can bring despondency and confusion until you realize that you are capable of moving past that. You do not have to be tethered to the reality of the mass consciousness.

Yet, I know, it feels so prevalent that it can appear hopeless to be otherwise.

This is your challenge, Beloved Ones.

Look past and beyond the obvious, Beloveds.

Remember that you are Creator Beings, after all!

Beyond the seemingly endless horizon is a New World, a New Reality.

Do you wish to partake?

Garner your Strength and Courage and Vision and Faith and Hope.

Dwell in…

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Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “New Earth is Aglow in Your Hearts” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 3.22.20 Read the rest of this entry »

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New Message from Yeshua: A New Day ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-19-19



Dear Sweet Beings,

This is a new day. Yes, it is a new day every day for you, but I am referring to a New Day, brought in by the New Light … Always and forever spiraling into higher vibration and frequency and allowing you to reach higher and higher dimensions.

Your divine embodiment is a delight to see. It is taking you to places that you have not been before, or rather I mean, to places you don’t always remember. For to be fully embodied with your Divine Self, to be fully in Christ Consciousness, is something you came here to do at this time, from a calling and an intent birthed many eons ago, yet, the likes of which was not ever fully comprehended.

Some of you remember us in the higher realms telling you that nothing will ever be the same, or work the same, and to be prepared for feeling lost and feeling like nothing is clicking like before, like nothing plays out the same, with a feeling of abandoning all that is familiar, and being thrust into the unknown more and more. Well, you have no doubt felt this, but now it is even more true than before.

Yet with this new phase, it is so possible to feel like you are dancing on this new energy, if you let yourself. This new light absorbs your Being, as you absorb it, and it is glorious. Read the rest of this entry »

image credit: Quangpraha @


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Grounding Into Your New Reality ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ January 9, 2018


Greetings Beloveds, I AM Yeshua and I AM Mary Magdalene, in union, demonstrating our deep Divine Love, and connecting with yours. We bring you encouragement for this very important time.

This is a time of grounding into your New Reality, Beloveds, which may seem uncertain and maybe even perilous at times. There are no longer former duality-based rules on which to base your life, because you are leaving duality behind. However, there may be a tendency at times to frame new experiences on the old way of perceiving them.

There may be a tendency to dip into duality by habit at times, only to realize that you have left it. It has no substance for you anymore. But you may not yet be completely comfortable with this new way of perceiving from a place of Neutrality and Wholeness and Oneness, of Deep, abiding Divine Love, of total Unconditional Love, for yourselves and others in Unity.

Give it time, Beloveds … You might feel lost at times, but what you may not fully realize is that you have Found a new way of BEing. Read the rest of this entry »

Our Emerging Divinity

Hello everyone! I have been off-line for a few months, as you might have noticed, very busy with work and some pressing matters of daily living to attend to, as well as lots of upgrades and transformation, but I hope to be able to start posting more often again, in Service and Love to all.

My Heart is so very Full and Open this day, as I trust yours is …. May you all enjoy the fruits of the coming Eclipse by emerging more as the Beautiful Divine Being that you are, replete with all your gifts to share with the world …. The following is a Loving Thought from my Heart to Yours. ~ Namaste. ~  With Love and Blessings, Fran.

Loving Thought of the Day


By Fran Zepeda

The ability to LOVE, deeply from our Hearts, from our Whole Beings, is the greatest gift of all.


View original post 385 more words


December 24, 2011

Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven:

We come to you on this very auspicious day, the eve of the birth of my beloved Yeshua. The world began to transform that day and the love and joy in my heart and womb brought tears to my heart as a new beginning for Earth was destined to commence. The love has not died. It remains as an eternal flame in all your bosoms, as it is in mine, as I come before you with a message of love – Love and Mercy, my dear ones.  I am the harbinger of Love, the mother of Grace, and I beseech you all to be the heralders of love for all mankind. It is within you, and is being spread without you, bearing so much radiance that you would be astounded were you to see it from our perspective.

We know this journey has not been one of ease for you all. You took on the task many eons ago with such courage and hope, and we assure you that all is transpiring according to Divine Plan and Order. You are all in a position to finally reap the rewards of your arduous and bittersweet journey, my dear ones. The Company of Heaven is so pleased and inspired with your loving hearts and deeds. We wish for you that the peace that is in your hearts deepens and grows with each passing day. Please rest assured that with each beat of your heart, you are becoming One with Creator.

Absorb the massive amounts of light and crystalline energy being given to you now, and keep spreading it and sharing it with others. Feel the Unity and Oneness that you all have worked so hard to achieve, my dear ones, for it will sustain you through the coming year. You will be astounded by the changes that are and will be occurring, but then you already are putting them in motion with your creative hearts.

Please take care of yourselves. You are all so precious to us. Keep the steady pace you are maintaining and it will not fail to yield such joyful new beginnings. We have such deep and abiding love for all of you, my dear ones. You are precious beyond your mere understanding; you will soon be discovering my meaning as you shed the last vestiges of illusion and take your rightful place with Creator as One.

We of the Company of Heaven are your faithful, loving servants. Have a peaceful, joyous season of Celebration, and may that joy and peace build and grow with each passing day for you.

We thank you all for your service to the Light,

Mother Mary for the Company of Heaven

Thank you, Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven

Fran Zepeda

Copyright © 2011-2017 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, credit is given to the author, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: and

Loving Thought of the Day

By Fran Zepeda


LoveandCompassion“Expand, Beloved Heart! So that I may see and experience and embrace the Beauty in All and Everything … For I know that at the core of All and Everything is Divine Love … and its inherent Truth is always Oneness … and so nothing is devoid of Beauty when seen in this LoveLight.”

Namaste ~ Fran Zepeda

Originally Posted on Our Emerging Divinity

Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

picture origin unknown


divine emergence5.jpgLady Nada and Lord Sananda:


Greetings Beloveds. It is with deep heartfelt joy that we enter your consciousness to deliver you a message this day.

Much has traversed in your world. Much change has taken place and, beloveds, you have gained such momentum in your Love Offerings and in the rise of your individual vibrations. You are becoming so adept at raising your level of vibration and your consciousness that it (the rise) may not be as detectable by you as in early days of your ascension process.

You are much more comfortable in this new plateau of high vibration and consciousness. You welcome it now with open arms and it shows in the glow of your Beingness and in the acts you choose to make, and in the overall feeling of joy and bliss that many of you feel in spite of all the chaos taking place in your world now.

And beloveds, please understand that this chaos is necessary. It is necessary in order for the world to make the changes it needs to. It is necessary for the rise in consciousness in the general human collective, and it is necessary in order for you to discern how you want your world to be. Read the rest of this entry »


AUDIO: Yeshua.MaryMagdalene.DivineAlchemy4.6.13.16




imagesYeshua and Mary Magdalene:


Greetings Beloveds,

We are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. We come to you today in blessed Peace and Love. In the Divine Alchemy that is taking place, of your blessed Divine Self integrating with your blessed physical vehicle, it is apparent that what you once thought you were, is going by the wayside. New insights and awareness are entering your consciousness every day, and every moment. As you embrace this new consciousness that is slowly and permanently replacing the reality you once knew, you are compelled to restructure your reality piece-by-piece.

And behold this new reality in all its glory. It is as if you instantly shift into a new place within you and then a new place without you as a result. Beloveds, with joy we observe and experience this new loving life that you are creating with each surrender to this new consciousness pervading you increasingly and lovingly.

Oh what a wondrous life you are creating. Each time you let go of an old pattern or an old thought or an old belief, you open your life and heart to so many new vistas. Welcome your new life with Joy and Peace as you receive and accept new insights and creations that are part and parcel of this new vibration you have entered into just recently.

You may feel a Lightness and an Expansiveness you have never experienced before, and with this you are open to even more lightness and expansiveness with each breath you take of this vibrant Loving Light that is available to you Now.

You may notice that this new Light coming in recently is of a refined quality. It can take your breath away. It holds so much potential. It does require that you flow with it and welcome it, unimpeded by prior restrictions of how you shall receive it or view it.

It is entirely of a different quality and so your body may take a little time to adjust. But as you do, you will find that you are so adept at floating within and amongst this beautiful loving energy that is waking up your crystalline structures even more than ever. Just open to it and allow it to do its work.

You are learning to be buoyant while maintaining a reverent grounded-ness in, and respect for, your physical vehicle, in full command and integration with it from the standpoint and focus of your Divine Self, your Higher Self. This changeover to a more integrated, loving communion of your soul with your physical self is becoming astonishingly easier as you accept the Divine Light and Love to envelop you and sustain you without attempting to analyze it or direct it.

Fear that used to rule you now is being replaced with a confident loving acknowledgement of your divine capabilities to create the life you desire. Notice how easily you can move your focus away from what used to inhibit your forward movement. You are well on your way to sublime Joy and Expansiveness, holding so many possibilities.

We, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are honored to come before you today to deliver this message, for we notice so many of you are experiencing and understanding what we are speaking of. And there is so much more, beloveds. The more you let go of your fears and your old beliefs, and plunge into the unknown, you are replete with so many possibilities of Wonder and Joy. Understand this, beloveds, from your deepest level. There is nothing that you cannot do now, within this beautiful Divine Presence that you Are, for no longer are you bound to and by the limitations of duality.

By turning away from duality, you embrace your beautiful Divine Selves and embark on your journey of Oneness with all aspects of yourself. And it is so beautiful to see you blend your higher aspects and float amongst the expansive energies of Divine Bliss while your physical body abides and nourishes and supports this new Beingness.

You are all so beautiful in your resplendent, shining, Divine Presence. What a beautiful world this is beginning to create. Do not be discouraged by anything you see or hear to the contrary, for you are indeed paving the way for a peaceful and beautiful Light World that is nourishing and supportive to all, with each breath you take of this beautiful energy of Divine Love and Light that is entering your Beingness now.

We offer you our love and our support in this. You are not alone.

All our Love,

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene


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Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.




Artist Unknown

Audio Version: ArchangelZadkiel.1.31.16


Archangel ZadkielArchangel Zadkiel (Received January 31, 2016):

Greetings all, I AM Archangel Zadkiel, a keeper of the Violet Flame, and I hold you in my flame as I deliver my message to you.

In the hush of your energy now comes much transformation and truth. In the sustainment of truth comes true wisdom for all to perceive and convey. It is with utmost pleasure that I come in now to deliver immense truth and transformation for your continual evolvement and ascension.

Many of you are discovering that you are bereft of understanding of where all this energetic transformation is leading. You are left to your own devises to discover the truth. And that is the name of the game, dear ones. That is the energy of the Now, dear ones — Grasping and holding the energy of your own truth.

In all the transformation that you have undergone, you come back to one truth: That you are Divine. That you are a God-Being in your own right, in your own individual manifestation. This is the truth. This is your truth.

What you do with it is dependent on your belief in this. Your expansion and your realization of your divinity depends on it. Dear ones, I am here to help you in this.

I hold the Violet Flame now for you to bathe in, to further your clearing. You have reached a point that your clearing is so far along now, that you are sensing a brand new energy within you — A clear pristine energy within you from which to embark further into the truth of your Being, further on the journey of your ascension.

You are pure energetic essence of Creator, dear ones. Belief that. Know that. Revel in that. Be that. The more you settle and nestle into that truth, the more you will advance along the spectrum of reality that is the purest and closest to Pure Divine Essence that you have ever been.

Behold the truth, behold your truth, that your energetic signature has purified and magnified and cleared to perfection. That it is more evident to all than it has ever been. Nurture this and cherish this as you hold your energy in all its purity and expansion.

Be with me now as I assist you in clearing your energy in a way that brings you to your pure center, knowing that you have been clearing back to your True Divine Essence with each encounter of a challenge or negativity. The Violet Flame has been in your energy, clearing it to perfection, your perfection, with each undertaking of your own making, to advance your refinement of your own energy, your own unique refined energy.

And this is your truth now, dear ones. You are evolving to an ever-growing purity in your advancement.

I am an example to you of pure powerful energy in my own likeness within Creator’s likeness, an extraction and purification of an element unique to my own purpose. And so are you. Gather in within your energy now, dear ones, and feel your own unique energy. Allow it to build and flourish in your own signature, your own flame of truth.

No longer is it valid to follow another’s lead to how you should be. Be who you are. Be your own energy. Take time each day to discover your own energy signature, your own flow of energy that only you have. Expand it, purify it and extend it to others, always building it to perfection, with your acknowledgement of your own ability to delve ever deeper into your own energy, your own essence, your own truth, with each intention of such.

It is not for anyone to say how far you have come. You know how far you have come. And you are returning ever-increasingly faster and faster to your own True Divine Essence with each acknowledgement that you are a beautiful spark of Creator that is merging further into your completeness, into your wholeness as a unique God-Self in your own right.

And this is your truth. Feel it build within you as you accept this. You have arrived at a wholeness within this journey to discover your own unique energy in Creator’s likeness.

Come home to that truth, anchor that truth into your Being now. And discover what it entails. Feel your perceptions change as you accept this truth. Be the likeness of Creator now in all your glory — A breathing, pulsing likeness of Creator, unique with abilities that will demonstrate Creator’s likeness for others in your own unique manner. And together you all join into the tapestry of Oneness, blossoming your divine attributes to fullness and perfection.

I hold you in my Violet Flame of Truth and Transformation, as you realize your own truth, that you are a unique energetic manifestation of Creator in all your glory.

I AM Archangel Zadkiel.


Image Artist Unknown


Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.




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