You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2013.

Oracles and Healers




On this day we would speak further on the subject of discernment.  This is a matter which is of great importance at this time.  It has always been important, of course, but at this juncture, when so much of your future rides upon your state of being, your evolution in consciousness, it is more important than ever.

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aisha north

As you have mayhaps noticed, the inner voices can be more than a little insistent at times now, and what they demand of you, can be more than a little daunting to handle. You have set yourselves free in so many ways, but these small hindrances still standing in your way will start to make a lot of noise. And they will do so for a very good reason, as it is indeed imperative that you all clear your channel as it were in order to make yourselves fully able to access the information you so dearly seek. In other words, nothing is allowed to stand between you and Source, and now, the only things doing so are those innermost kept secrets that only serve to fog your vision from clearing up completely. For many, it will be something extremely painful, for these are the things you have kept hidden…

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The Creator Writings


Break away from moving through your Earth-plane existence mechanically.

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Multidimensional Ocean


May marks an important change for many of us on a personal and on a planetary level. Many of us can feel unsettled, uncertain about the future, and feel the veil of the unknown in a more oppressing way than at any recent times. There is a sense of darkness and fear about as well due to the unsettled world events impacting our daily lives.

Extra meditation is required at this time to help the higher-self connection and to find grounding.

Find quiet place for you to rest at regular times during the day, make sure to have extra rest, and watch the quality of your food intake as well.


Important world events are around the corner

These world events have been long into preparing and we have seen some of the results manifest already concerning the willingness to spread truth and a fair system for every Earth…

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UnknownMay 26-June 2, 2013

Beloved Ones,

The way forward and upward in your consciousness has now become more aligned with the joy and beauty that abides within your soul and this gives rise to feelings of expansion and infinite possibilities. Open yourselves to the vista of new beginnings and allow yourselves to receive the bounty of the Universe as it brings to you the fruition of your deepest and long held dreams.The way before you is being cleared and all that is required is the opening of your heart to allow it in. Let your imagination soar with joyous anticipation of the arrival of a new day, one that is a blank slate upon which can be written the life of your choosing, all that is required is your active participation. Read the rest of this entry »

…and i can certainly relate to this….as I am sure many of you can, too! Thank you, Aisha! ❤

aisha north

The days have become more and more intense in so many ways, as you see the light shining through not only yourself, but also those around you. In addition, the nighttime will also bring much information. And although much of this information is in many ways still hidden from you, it is already having quite a profound effect on you all.

Let us explain. As always, whenever we refer to information, it is not necessarily in the manner that you refer to information. In other words, it may not be such that is given in words or clear pictures and that leaves you feeling wiser and more ”on” to what is going on. Not because you are in any way lacking of abilities to comprehend what all of this information is about, but because this is a form of communication that talks to all levels of your being. And as…

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Thank you Ron and Michael!♥

Oracles and Healers




Today we bring your attention once again the topics of self-worth and deservedness.  There is no possibility that too much stress can be put upon, nor too much attention paid to these subjects.  They indeed are things which almost all of you do not feel and cannot believe.  Why is that?

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Hello my dear ones of eternal bliss. Yes you know, have known, and will know much more deeply the meaning of Bliss, my dear travelers of the dimensions and purveyors of Peace and Love.

I come today to offer my congratulations for a job well done negotiating yet more inundating floods of energy. It has served you well, and thus you serve others with it. And don’t forget yourselves, dear ones. Look into your hearts and see what subtle and not so subtle nuances and evidence of deeper love and transformation you have brought upon yourselves simply with the openness with which you have received the steady barrage of energy. Read the rest of this entry »

PallasAthena.www.mlahanas.dePallas Athena (Ascended Master and Goddess):


Greetings, I am Pallas Athena, warrior of truth, loving presence and protector of all mankind. I come to bring you good tidings and words of joy and assistance. For yours is not an easy task but a monumental one, and it is time to light up all corners of the earth in preparation of true ascension for all.

I am a seeker of truth, a purveyor of truth and a guiding light for your journey here on Mother Earth. Many of you do not know me, but I stand in waiting for your call for assistance. And you shall have it, dear ones, upon the asking. Read the rest of this entry »


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