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yeshua-marymagdalene-pinterest-comYeshua and Mary Magdalene on Multidimensionality and Bilocation:


… Lifting into higher vibration swirls of exaltedness, while observing the many planes of existence and the many dimensions, each as all-inclusive yet distinct with each focus, you begin to glimpse the reality of Multidimensionality … Seeing all at once, and living all at once, yet with each focus you can play there on a chosen dimensionality for a while, knowing you can shift easily to the dimension of choice for that moment …

This is a small part of what you are and will be experiencing as your multidimensionality is supported by your Christ Consciousness/Source embodiment, union of all 12 aspects of Deity, and Masculine/Feminine Balance and Harmony.

That, beloveds, is the crux and the destination of all you have been working towards, and this is the time, in the coming days and into the new year, where you will become masters at it. It has many surprises, but yet all of it will feel familiar and like coming home. You will stretch and get better and better at living in this state, and from here creativity will be enhanced. And at the bottom of it is this very deep Love that sustains and excites you in its exaltedness, yet it will begin to feel very normal.

So, practice staying in this vibrational state that you have lifted to … you all are achieving it at various levels and intensity, but it’s a new platform and level for you to experience, and is preparing you for the next step, and the next step, into higher and higher levels and dimensions of existence … where you will choose in which one(s) you live for the moment, with the potential and opportunity each moment to play in the other dimensions that might feel more familiar and comfortable, yet, soon the higher states will feel so normal you won’t even notice that you have achieved it except for the difference in vibration and frequency of the high-level experiences that are now attainable to you.

And the old ways of duality will soon just feel like a dream that you can watch at whim, but not really be a part of anymore. And Bilocation will become more normal.

You will so easily shift to and recognize the level you wish to stay at, and at times shift so easily into many at once, or at least observe them while playing in the timeline of choice.

Your days will seem like moments strung together in congruity and synchronicity, with richness and depth as you enter into each moment with your full attention. This is the new way of being, and it will not look like any other day-to-day-life you have ever experienced.

You can be everywhere at once, and where once you may have been in awe of the act and ability of Archangels and Ascended Masters who can appear to everyone at once, you will start to understand and experience the how and ability and possibility of it, and the ease of it.

So, dear ones, over the days you will be experiencing many mind-warping realities as you begin to play on the planes of different dimensions with ease, and all the while lifted by the buoyancy and consistency of Love and Joy and Bliss, while tending to matters that support your physical body.  Which will no longer need as much of the mundane existence for its survival.

Creation is now how you live, and Abundance is the mainstay of your life, and forever you will ride on the waves of higher existence and know what it is to be God (your God-self).

We shall bring you more of this wisdom and insight as you become acclimated to the incoming intense waves of transformative Light. Rest and recalibrate at intervals so you may stay strengthened and the changes be more permanent.

All our love.

Mary Magdalene and Yeshua


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~ Message Received December 25, 2016

Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


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Lakshmi(Note From Fran: I was awakened suddenly from sleep a few nights ago to a presence similar to the image I post here, and it was Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of Prosperity, and when I asked why she was here, she replied and gave me the following message, which she said was for me, but I share it with you all as you may find it helpful also):


Message from Lakshmi:

Within you are the treasures you seek, dear one. For I come to awaken the joy within that is already there.

Find it within.  I am here to show you it is within.

Begin to manifest the treasures within, as they are already there, dear one.

Read the rest of this entry »

Master LantoMaster Lanto:

Hello dear friends, the Light of all Creation and Love that you are. I speak today about energy, about light, and about the radiant quality of it. By now you are increasing your radiance tenfold with each breath you take, with each surrender to the energies that are impinging upon you for the good and love of all.

By all means you are not alone. Thousands and millions of you take part in this grand awakening – human, celestial and galactic. And let it be known that you are all such an integral part, for you are all a piece of Creator, filled with the full magnificence and abundance of Creator.

And with that you can create all you need, all you want and all that is necessary. Let no one tell you differently. There is no formula. There is no creed. There is no waiting around for a specific event; you are doing it now, sweet ones. You carry the torch. You are the link. You are the substance of the light that is carrying everything forward into this new world of Abundance and Light and Love that only you can perceive in your own capacity. Read the rest of this entry »

LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:


Hello, sweet ones. Your mundane world is becoming no more, of what it has been. You are “reaching for the stars” and it shows. It shows in everything you are and do and for that we are most grateful. You are picking up the pieces from a world of absolutes and divisions and black and white, and transforming it into a beautiful one of bright colors and unknowns, but all with a plethora of possibilities.

You take in stride your creation of a world of such love and magic. Your doubts are waning and it is as it should be. For you are stepping up into a reality that only deals with Love and circumstances designed for the good of all – of seeing things from a perspective of abundance versus lack, of seeing things from a perspective of plenty for all, of love for all, of forgiveness for all, including yourself. And for that you are responsible. You are at the helm and creating as we speak. Read the rest of this entry »


Hello my dear ones of eternal bliss. Yes you know, have known, and will know much more deeply the meaning of Bliss, my dear travelers of the dimensions and purveyors of Peace and Love.

I come today to offer my congratulations for a job well done negotiating yet more inundating floods of energy. It has served you well, and thus you serve others with it. And don’t forget yourselves, dear ones. Look into your hearts and see what subtle and not so subtle nuances and evidence of deeper love and transformation you have brought upon yourselves simply with the openness with which you have received the steady barrage of energy. Read the rest of this entry »


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