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valerieDonner Greetings, I am Mira.

         You are maneuvering in a time of paradox. What you thought was true is no longer. You are learning to embrace life differently. Have you noticed how much what you believed is falling away? This is part of the ascension process. You must learn how to embrace new truths in every aspect of life. The third dimension is no longer the important energy or way of living. It is old energy. This is part of the reason that many are being guided to let go of things, relationships, jobs, issues, beliefs and what is no longer serving them.

Your higher dimensional selves are presenting themselves. You are becoming new through and through. We think you will like who you are becoming. As the old falls away you will be happier beings. You will welcome every opportunity to explore who you are. You will become radiant Light beings in service to Source. Read the rest of this entry »

valerieDonnerA Channeling from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, March 8, 2014

Greetings I am Mira:

         I think most of you know that I am serving on the Earth Council to assist the earth with the ascension process.

         We are your observers, your advocates, your teachers your friends. We are with you and have been with you from the beginning until the end. We help you in many different ways. We are with you in person and not just in the skies. We love it when you wave to our ships and welcome us with you hearts and smiles. This encourages us to connect with you further.

         Some of you are waiting for a “Big Event.” We know you are hoping it will be us coming en mass or that we will take away some of your lessons. Well, what I want to tell you about this is that you are in the “Big Event” now. It is the ascension process and if we were to come en mass or if you were in three days of darkness most of humanity could not handle it. You already know this but holding the energies for us to come or for other massive spiritual awakenings is still paramount. It is part of your jobs. I am asking you not to put your lives on hold but to continue to do your inner work and keep opening hour hearts. Continue to join with others in meditations and prayers for the planet. When you do this work it impacts the consciousness more than you know. Read the rest of this entry »

Mira the Pleiadian:

Greetings, I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council on assignment with the Earth Council.

I greet you with much anticipated news of the developments for your highest awakening. Every moment we come closer to the tipping point of what is needed for the Light to prevail and Higher Consciousness to reign in the majority of the population on planet Earth.

We are so close, dear friends.  Much is waiting to transpire. You are so close to meeting your Galactic friends. Many of you have reached out and many are waiting for contact.

The atmosphere in your hearts approaches the necessary climate for this meeting. We have contacted many of you in your dream state and we have contacted many of you in your waking state. You are feeling us closer. You are accepting us more. You are eagerly awaiting further contact.  Read the rest of this entry »

Mira and Sananda:

Hello wonderful Light Beings that you all are. Sananda and I, Mira, join forces today to bring you such joyous news. We have much to share with you.

All around the World, there is a quietude, as if you can hear a pin drop. It is cause for rejoicing, dear Ones.

Behold the changes already happening and in place. Start to stretch your muscles as if coming out of a deep sleep. Look around you and notice the subtle differences in perception, not so subtle for some. Take it in and begin to work with it as your Reality from now on. Read the rest of this entry »

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:

Greetings, all you esteemed Lightworkers. I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, on assignment with the Earth Council. I bring you good news. All of the years of waiting are coming to a resounding end. You have entered a new phase. Ascension is upon you. It is palpable and it is imminent, if you so choose.

My dear friends, there is much to rejoice about. The stage has been set and all teams have the go-ahead as planned. All that awaits a full press forward to victory, all that remains is a coming together of all components of the Light in a majority of the population, which is reaching the tipping point. With that is required a further rounding up and neutralization of the dark Ones, which you are successful in bringing to fruition with your prayers and broadcasting of the Light and Love you have built to a crescendo within and around you.

The dark Ones are being found and rousted from their hiding places. We have that situation well in hand and you can be assured that you are very close to major jumps in individual and collective consciousness. Be assured that you will be receiving even more help in your ascension process.  Read the rest of this entry »







Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: The Strategies are in Place for the Ascension of the Human Race

2012 June 9

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: The Strategies are in Place for the Ascension of the Human Race

Channelled by Valerie Donner – June 6, 2012

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleaidian High Council on assignment with the Earth Council.

The plans are set. The strategies are in place for the ascension of the human race. I am happy to tell you these words today. We have been working diligently for this announcement.

We have had to come to grips with a myriad of issues in order to be able to make these comments. It is important for you to know this statement of truth. It means that if you follow the…

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