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Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “Divine Love Empowerment” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda Read the rest of this entry »


December 24, 2011

Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven:

We come to you on this very auspicious day, the eve of the birth of my beloved Yeshua. The world began to transform that day and the love and joy in my heart and womb brought tears to my heart as a new beginning for Earth was destined to commence. The love has not died. It remains as an eternal flame in all your bosoms, as it is in mine, as I come before you with a message of love – Love and Mercy, my dear ones.  I am the harbinger of Love, the mother of Grace, and I beseech you all to be the heralders of love for all mankind. It is within you, and is being spread without you, bearing so much radiance that you would be astounded were you to see it from our perspective.

We know this journey has not been one of ease for you all. You took on the task many eons ago with such courage and hope, and we assure you that all is transpiring according to Divine Plan and Order. You are all in a position to finally reap the rewards of your arduous and bittersweet journey, my dear ones. The Company of Heaven is so pleased and inspired with your loving hearts and deeds. We wish for you that the peace that is in your hearts deepens and grows with each passing day. Please rest assured that with each beat of your heart, you are becoming One with Creator.

Absorb the massive amounts of light and crystalline energy being given to you now, and keep spreading it and sharing it with others. Feel the Unity and Oneness that you all have worked so hard to achieve, my dear ones, for it will sustain you through the coming year. You will be astounded by the changes that are and will be occurring, but then you already are putting them in motion with your creative hearts.

Please take care of yourselves. You are all so precious to us. Keep the steady pace you are maintaining and it will not fail to yield such joyful new beginnings. We have such deep and abiding love for all of you, my dear ones. You are precious beyond your mere understanding; you will soon be discovering my meaning as you shed the last vestiges of illusion and take your rightful place with Creator as One.

We of the Company of Heaven are your faithful, loving servants. Have a peaceful, joyous season of Celebration, and may that joy and peace build and grow with each passing day for you.

We thank you all for your service to the Light,

Mother Mary for the Company of Heaven

Thank you, Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven

Fran Zepeda

Copyright © 2011-2017 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, credit is given to the author, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: and


LadyMasterQuanYin2Received with Gratitude, April 8, 2015


Hello dearest ones. I AM Quan Yin. Today I come through to speak of the Purification process you have all been going through, bringing more Love, Harmony and Peace to the World.

This purification process has many levels and nuances. It is, first of all, comprised of the clearing and cleansing you have all been going through, and made more possible with the Love energy you have anchored and solidified within your very being and thus the world.

It is also an outpouring and culmination of the levels you have all raised yourselves up to in your climb up the ladder of Ascension. It is a coming home to the essence of what you have always been, the clearing away of all impediments to that glowing essence which is at the core of your being and is your birthright … Coming around to your True Divine Self once again. Read the rest of this entry »

LadyMasterQuanYin2Lady Master Quan Yin:


Hello Beloveds, I AM Quan Yin, Divine Feminine Messenger of the East, encompassing you all in my deep Love and abiding affection and gratitude for all the endeavors you have undertaken in the name of Love and Compassion. I enfold you in my vast heart and deliver to you wisdom of the ages that you are all ready to receive and awaken to.

I come before you now to deliver a message through this scribe, who has been communing with me on many occasions. The soft Love I deliver to her often, I am now offering to you, once infinitesimal and now monumental in scope, as now you can all take it in in this greater capacity.

You have welcomed this Love Energy in its purest form of late and your bodies are readied to receive more of it on a moment-by-moment basis, in your daily ventures. Read the rest of this entry »

spiritual unfoldment4Sananda, December 7, 2013

Greetings all you beautiful, assorted ministers of Love. I greet you today with much anticipation and acknowledgement of the beautiful metamorphosis you are instrumental in creating for yourselves, your communities, all of humanity and beautiful Gaia. For you are so instrumental in fostering this Love Awakening for all to benefit from.

It is indeed my honor to greet you today and always with so much love in my heart for you all, with so much gratitude and appreciation for you all. You may not yet fully realize it, but you are in the midst of awakening so many aspects of yourself not yet touched on, not yet fully utilized, and not yet fully appreciated.

And in that awakening comes responsibility to integrate all those aspects of yourself, and this you are doing presently for the full realization of your true selves and for the benefit of all those still coming online. However, it is becoming epidemic now. You have touched so many and now you are sparking within them all the deep knowing of their true nature. Read the rest of this entry »

Mother Mary:

My dear ones, the peace in your hearts is palpable and growing, as you progress through your ascension process and your opening of your beautiful hearts for yourselves and all mankind. It is a beautiful sight to see and I stand before you to tell you that you are so loved and cherished.

You are learning to love and cherish yourselves on an even greater level and magnitude, dear ones, and for that and from that you will see much expansion. For it indeed does start with yourselves. Oneness begins from there. Peace begins from there. Expansion begins from there, and from there, all else is affected and nourished on out to infinity. Read the rest of this entry »


Mother Mary:

Your progress in this huge undertaking that you have shouldered for humanity is immense, dear ones. Do not let anything or anyone tell you differently. For you may be still processing all that has transpired over these recent days and much is settling into your cells and your hearts as we speak.

You will never be the same. You will never be the same as you were last week, or even yesterday. For you are evolving at breakneck speed, dear ones. Give yourselves time to assimilate and absorb all that has taken place. Spend as much time as you can quietly in your own stillness, in the stillness of your individual hearts, and feel the changes. Feel the subtle changes and feel the immense ones that are forming within you now. Read the rest of this entry »



Greetings all. I come to greet you again and to discuss with you more “food for thought” as you embark further on your journey of ascension and complete enlightenment.

Your return to your True Selves has been an arduous journey at times, pray tell, but my gifted ones – my lighted ones, you are thoroughly prepared and “wired” for this illustrious journey all the way to fruition. Read the rest of this entry »



Hello my dear friends, fellow Lightworkers and Love-gifters. I greet you with much Love and appreciation for all you are doing. You are stepping up to this monumental task of building your New Earth with ease and grace and gratitude, and for this I give you my immense gratitude.

You may wonder why I say “with ease”. Well, dear ones, this journey has certainly not been easy for you, I grant you that, but the ease I speak about is the fluidity you impart to your mission and purpose, and the generosity with which you give of your Love, your Divine Unconditional Love.

Have you noticed that the more Love you give, the more Love you can hold for yourself and others? Have you noticed that you are able to tap more resources and abilities as you commit yourself to the task of imparting Love and creating a world full of it and all the gifts endowed by Creator? Read the rest of this entry »

mothermary4Mother Mary:

Hello dear ones, all of the Light. I gather amongst you today to bring you much Love, and to shed more light and understanding on your precious missions and purpose.

You are Love, you are the Divine, and amongst you walk many who do not yet know this about themselves. It is for you to BE Love and the Divine in complete totality and purpose and to shine ever brighter every day within that reality.

As such you are very important catalysts not only for your own lives, but also for that of others. You may not realize how important you are. Every time you choose to acknowledge and live your Divine nature of Unconditional Love for yourselves and others, you spark greater Light and Love for all around you, causing others to take up the banner and spread it as well. Read the rest of this entry »


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