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LadyMasterQuanYin2Received with Gratitude, April 8, 2015


Hello dearest ones. I AM Quan Yin. Today I come through to speak of the Purification process you have all been going through, bringing more Love, Harmony and Peace to the World.

This purification process has many levels and nuances. It is, first of all, comprised of the clearing and cleansing you have all been going through, and made more possible with the Love energy you have anchored and solidified within your very being and thus the world.

It is also an outpouring and culmination of the levels you have all raised yourselves up to in your climb up the ladder of Ascension. It is a coming home to the essence of what you have always been, the clearing away of all impediments to that glowing essence which is at the core of your being and is your birthright … Coming around to your True Divine Self once again. Read the rest of this entry »


images lotus2Hello everyone! I have been focusing on anchoring the divine aspect of Harmony of late, and this teaching on Harmony came through, and I share it with you here now!


Harmony is a Divine aspect encompassing a powerful alliance with all parts of you, with all parts of the Universe – A sublime offering and condition in evolution of your Soul.

Let it be known it is a necessary step in your Ascension, and Peace depends on it.

You are here as Lightbearers and Lightbeings to instill and hold it (Harmony) in your cells as magnification and activation of and for the external Peace and Harmony encompassing all.

Internal becomes External becomes Internal as all are connected in a web of Purification.

This Purification is a new level of your Being and Unity Consciousness. This has evolved, making Harmony possible within and worldwide. Read the rest of this entry »


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