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SelaciaHealing after Elections

by Selacia

What just unfolded in the US elections is a wake up call about the state of society. It’s about America but also the world, increasingly interdependent and connected yet divided by a fear-based mentality of us and them. A revolution is needed, beginning inside individuals like us, awakening to a more loving and inclusive way to be.

Many people are feeling shock or sadness as the dust begins to settle from the stunning and unexpected elections outcome on Tuesday. There were signs ahead, but with all the chaos and craziness, those signs were deep below the radar.

You don’t need to be an American to feel the shock of this election. Lots of anxiety and fear is being generated across the world – because of the unknowns and the unclear direction of America. Read the rest of this entry »


The month of May can be a very potent time with Wesak season blessings in the air and more energetic support for connecting with spirit and your inner wisdom. Yes, we are in review mode because of both Mars and Mercury being retrograde. That review however can be just the catalyst needed to break free of longstanding limitations! In this article, I’ll outline a few ways you can use the May energies to accelerate your ascension, propelling your enlightenment to a whole new level.

Wesak Season Blessings

As a reminder, Wesak is an annual celebration of enlightenment. It’s your opportunity each year to connect with an expanded level of spiritual assistance made available when Masters like the Buddha, Jesus, and Kuan Yin interact with humanity in a more tangible way. The Masters who came before provided a template for enlightenment, reminding us that we have the same potential they did.

You carry seeds of this potential within your DNA, meaning it’s naturally within you. As part of the ascension process, more of this potential is cultivated and ripens. During the window of the annual Wesak season this can be accelerated as there are fewer veils between humanity and the spiritual dimensions. This helps facilitate an interchange of energies, blessings, and spiritual insights from the Masters.

For the most tangible experiences, be mindful of these energies and invite a personal connection. Specific examples include attending an actual Wesak meditation to connect with the Masters. Dream work can be very beneficial too. Even if you seldom remember your dreams, set intentions ahead of sleep to connect with helpful insights and energy clearings. Remember: blessings can come in many forms and when you least suspect. Be open-hearted and available. Read the rest of this entry »


SelaciaEnergy upgrades are becoming available this Equinox and over the next several days as we head into the weekend’s powerful Lunar Eclipse at the Supermoon. What does this mean for you on a personal level – what does it mean for the Earth? In this article I give background on this week’s powerful positive potentials and how you can benefit.

Equinox Background

Equinoxes, occurring naturally twice a year, can be a significant time of spiritual growth and new starts. Those like you already on the path of awakening will feel it more – and also benefit more because of being conscious and aware.All of humanity, however, indeed benefits from these cycles – increasingly potent as momentum builds for shifting humanity out of the darkness and into the light. This impetus has been under way for a very long time on this planet, but now even incremental shifts can mean huge changes in the status quo.At this Equinox, energy potentials are magnified due to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of September 27-28. It’s like all three events are put into a pot together, creating a powerful synergy. This, combined with a host of other background energies, makes this particular Equinox a marker event. Read the rest of this entry »

SelaciaWe have a powerful full moon this week, June 2 in adventuresome Sagittarius, setting the stage for some unpredictable emotional undercurrents arising in your life. Relationships will be front and center, emotional tides swirling and getting your attention. In this article I give some tips for navigating these energies and keeping things in perspective.This will help you begin June in a positive and powerful way, reducing the likelihood of re-dos and fixes. In my 2015 Predictions article I described the need this year to update the status quo in your life. This includes relationships, so vital to your progress and enlightenment. I’m mentioning this now because this week’s full moon is likely to shine the light on imbalances in your relationships – to yourself, to others, and to spirit. Read the rest of this entry »


SelaciaThis week marks a year since the Grand Cross, a rare pivotal moment when cosmic forces catalyzed an accelerated awakening across the planet. With numerous energy bumps since then, and the recent expansive New Moon, last April may seem like a distant memory. There is purpose, however, for revisiting this and having the larger picture of where we are.

Taking the Pulse

Life today is so fast and changeable; it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the long view. What’s needed is to regularly take the pulse of our progress. As we do, we can appreciate positive changes and identify incremental shifts that will take longer to fully manifest. Read the rest of this entry »

SelaciaSoul Agreements and Living Now  by Selacia

With times this intense and next week’s fiery Equinox and other energy events just around the corner, you may have asked yourself more than once: “Did I really sign up for this?!” Consider that this question is much more than a rhetorical response to these crazy times. In fact, contemplate how this idea is coming from a deep place within you, a wise part of you that understands why you chose to be alive at this pivotal time in history. Consider that this quantum part of you, having boundless foresight, orchestrated a series of soul agreements that led you to now.

If this sounds too outside the box, continue reading for the bigger picture. Life events are not random – they often occur because of soul agreements you made long ago. These usually are not conscious and they cannot be analyzed or approached in a linear way. Read the rest of this entry »


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