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Message from Lady Nada ~ “Our Light is Your Light” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone! I’ve missed you all. Thank you for your patience while I have been away from public channeling…I am so happy to offer you this channeling from Yeshua today…Blessings and Love to All ~ Fran

Message from Yeshua:

Greetings Beloveds,

Deep inside you is transformation, of a kind and form and manner not witnessed or experienced ever. It has the quality of complete annihilation at times of all you once stood for, of all you have identified yourself with. It is a refinement and yet sometimes subtle remaking of everything you once knew. It plunges deep into your psyche and your knowing and your awareness like never before.

What do you make of this, dear ones? Where is your basis or grounding point now? It is simply to ground into Love like never before. Forget all you feel or perceive as falling apart, and launch yourselves, dear ones, into a total immersion of Divine Love, of yourself, of others, and even of everything that feels wrong with the world. Read the rest of this entry »

Received December 2, 2016

gratitude-painting-by-melina-del-marLady Nada: Greetings Beloveds,

I come before you today to encourage you and uplift you in these challenging times. Many of you have been discouraged of late and thus your energy may be lowered and it may take a lot for you to uplift your energies to the high vibration you are so capable of staying in.

And, likewise, it sometimes may be difficult to experience Joy, which is so necessary to keep your vibration at its optimal level and to be able to express your beautiful unique gifts that are so necessary to support and change this world to the image and intentions you harbor so deeply in your hearts.

And so I offer you my love and my guidance in these challenging times: Dust off your Joy with Gratitude!   

My Beloveds, you are capable of so much. You are in essence so much LOVE. Feel that Love now within you, welling up within you, and shower yourself with it. Fill yourself up with it. Allow yourself to flow and float with it until it is permeating all of you and exuding out around you to all in your Presence.

Then, I ask you to Feel Gratitude — Gratitude for yourself, for others, for all the obstacles and challenges you are finding in your path on this beautiful road of Ascension. You deserve to feel such Gratitude for yourselves. You have come so far. You have done so much to lift the vibration of the world, and in the process, you have lifted yours. Of course, that has brought challenges to you and others. But beloveds, you know this is part of the process.

So, ponder the wondrous experiences and moments in your life …. From the grandiose to the very simple, and feel Gratitude. Feel Gratitude for each breath you take, for each moment in your life, and even for each obstacle and block in your life, for hidden within those is the ignition to light your way to more Purity and Wonder and Love and JOY!

So beloveds, dust off your Joy and let it shine by feeling Gratitude. Allow yourself to feel and experience each moment with utter and sustaining Wonder and Appreciation and Hope. There are so many possibilities in each moment to shift your vibration by choice to the divine qualities of Love and Purity and Gratitude. Feel Gratitude well up within you for each presence and encounter in each moment of your life.

Of course, doing this magnifies the beautiful things in your life and thus invites and allows more to be present, but also it can replace negative feelings that a challenge and obstacle can elicit in you and allows in the acceptance and possibility of miracles by shifting your focus to Love and Gratitude, and this brings Joy…. Joy in living, Joy in just being you, Joy in choosing to offer your unique gifts each moment despite any trepidations and interference caused by challenges.

Shift your focus to Loving yourself and being Grateful for yourself and your unique gifts and for each moment offered, whether it be uplifting or challenging, and the alchemy of that will produce Joy, and thus alter the next moment to produce more Joy and Miracles.

Try it. Choose to dedicate yourself to Love and Gratitude. Within that is the Key to Transformation, for yourself and for the World.


Lady Nada, at your service, with deep abiding Love and Gratitude.


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Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

Art: Gratitude by Melina Del Mar @



Energy Update: Ascension – “I’m Not Feeling It” 9/29/15
by Matt Kahn

Before I offer an ascension update evaluating the new wave of consciousness for the benefit of those who are getting to know life at a higher frequency, I would first like to address the experience of those whose super blood moon countdown to ascension left them feeling high and dry. It’s understandable to create expectations about spiritually-charged events, even to the degree of projecting distrust or frustration onto those who you thought sold you some sort of promise.

As I stated nearly two years ago, 9-27-15 would signify a day where one-third of the planet would be aligned in 5D consciousness. While some had already become aligned far before that day occurred, it was a date given to me by the Universe (my Guides) to ease the fears and uncertainties of those who have spent years in the trenches of endless shadow work. What was offered as an insight about the collective energies soon exchanged fears and worries for lofty expectations that had nothing to do with any information I was given or passed along.

Was there a global shift in consciousness? Yes. Did everyone feel it? No. Are you required to feel differently in order to know that you are at a brand new frequency? Not at all. Just like in the path of awakening, where some experience the dissolving of ego and returning to their true nature without a mind-blowing cosmic aha or earth-shattering realization, there are those who have been shifted into higher frequencies while being totally unaware of it. Read the rest of this entry »



Hello and Blessings, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. I come before you to bring you guidance for your further expansion.

The deep expansion of your divine energy is becoming quite evident to many of you as you enter yet another more intensive Gateway with the Eclipses and Equinox and Blood Moon energies. The time is nigh for you to be much more cognizant and aware of your expansion, and with this awareness brings even more expansion.

It is time to be much more comfortable with your own divine energy, your unique energy as it expands, for in it is foretold of your further coming together of your unique Divine Self, comfortable in your own right.

For it is important to cease being so concerned with comparing yourself to other’s development and bring a concentrated focus on your own development, your beautiful and unique development and expansion of your own consciousness.

For behold, it is important not only for your sake and evolvement and ascension, but for all others, for it builds and consolidates the Oneness in all its glory.

I come to you now with great Unconditional Love for you All, and encouragement to keep your focus on your own expansion of your Divine Self. It is a beautiful thing. It is composite of your Divine Purpose and of Divine Will. Read the rest of this entry »


Hello Everyone. This came in on 8-8-8. The energy has been so powerful that it took me a few days to get it posted, but I share it with you now…and the Gateway continues….Enjoy:

I AM the Magdalene

I AM Harmony, Love, Balance and Freedom.

I AM the Divine Feminine Personified.

I AM open to All.

I see the Beauty in All.

I AM Pure Love Essence…..


I AM the Magdalene, present before you and amongst you for the Collective Enlightenment and Ascension of all Mankind. True to my nature, I forever encourage you to be true to yours, to relish and share your Gifts as you develop and unearth them in your Divine Awakening upon the beautiful Earth.

True to my nature I AM, and I share it with you all. It is no longer but a dream for you to BE and embody True Pure Divine Love for all to share and partake in with all that is encountered and exists. It is not just a dream…. It IS the Reality now; it is the true existence of all.

As you continue to walk through the Lion’s Gate, let it be your new Reality to walk with the Angels and Archangels and the Ascended Masters and the Goddesses and All Beings, in pure Divine Alignment and Equality. As you all become in Balance and Harmony with all your aspects and blend Heaven with Earth, Masculine with Feminine, Soul with Creator, All with One, you are no longer separate, you are no longer bereft of purpose; you have come Home to your Creator beginnings and awaken that Essence and Source within yourselves. Read the rest of this entry »


Sandra WalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The last wave of May 4-7 blessed us with an X flare. You may have noticed how powerfully intense the SUN is feeling, partly due to our diminishing magnetosphere. The frequencies coming through the SUN have changed dramatically – again. Be sure to balance your Solar charging and gazing activities with grounded sense of the body vehicle. The more you expand and amplify the Solar Heart Center, the easier it will be to balance the energy. Everything comes back to the Heart and the ability to be a conduit for the frequency of Divine Love.  Always.  Love = Light = Divine Intelligence = Universal Rewrite in alignment with Divine Perfection. How blessed we are to experience it so consciously.

We have another amplification May 13-15, and again on the 23rd which feels like another cosmic trigger. While the gateway dates of the past few years have consistently predicted (measurable) Solar and Planetary activity, it is our pure service to welcome, hold, send these frequencies out through the grids of Gaia and the awakened HUman Heart grid. That is a daily practice for Gatekeepers and LightServers; we become conduits for the Christed Light – and that service is taking on a new level this year. Gatekeepers, I know it feels more out of body than in as we walk between worlds. Trust your new skills, let the new service flow.

New Non-attachment

Along this path of Mastery, embodying the Cosmic Christ and the Higher Levels of the True Self, we embrace a phase of melancholia. Many in the collective experience this for prolonged periods of time; be clear about that phase of Ascension. Do not mistake it for depression. Depression is a construct which affects the mind, ego, and emotions and it can hold one back from higher states of consciousness. On the path, we refer to the higher state which many Masters seek to achieve; a state of melancholia, pure non-attachment, which leads to Pure Presence.

Read the rest of this entry »

This planetary Ascension is on the point of full embodiment of Ascension, meaning that each and everyone on this Earth will and is being instigated with the true energies of the Divine Goddess creation, the Divine Feminine within you all. There is a Cosmic Source within your own awareness and Being as well as in this Universe of your Solar plane.

This Cosmic Source is called the Eye of Isis and it has come into your planetary awareness as well as in your own awareness through consciousness. It is shining on your Earth, since the Early year 2006 and has been following a linear time-line path of nearly 1 million of Earthly years before it could come into your awareness again and share its Cosmic Divine pulses and energies.

My eye functions as a Cosmic Gate and instigator for so many things on your beloved planet and reality. It highlights all events and truth upon this planetary level, it instigates the Divine spark within you and assists in the expansion of your Solar Cosmic Christ as well as your I AM. When its Light shines upon your Earthly planes, a true transformation began to take place within your own realities. Read the rest of this entry »


LadyMasterQuanYin2Received with Gratitude, April 8, 2015


Hello dearest ones. I AM Quan Yin. Today I come through to speak of the Purification process you have all been going through, bringing more Love, Harmony and Peace to the World.

This purification process has many levels and nuances. It is, first of all, comprised of the clearing and cleansing you have all been going through, and made more possible with the Love energy you have anchored and solidified within your very being and thus the world.

It is also an outpouring and culmination of the levels you have all raised yourselves up to in your climb up the ladder of Ascension. It is a coming home to the essence of what you have always been, the clearing away of all impediments to that glowing essence which is at the core of your being and is your birthright … Coming around to your True Divine Self once again. Read the rest of this entry »


images lotus2Hello everyone! I have been focusing on anchoring the divine aspect of Harmony of late, and this teaching on Harmony came through, and I share it with you here now!


Harmony is a Divine aspect encompassing a powerful alliance with all parts of you, with all parts of the Universe – A sublime offering and condition in evolution of your Soul.

Let it be known it is a necessary step in your Ascension, and Peace depends on it.

You are here as Lightbearers and Lightbeings to instill and hold it (Harmony) in your cells as magnification and activation of and for the external Peace and Harmony encompassing all.

Internal becomes External becomes Internal as all are connected in a web of Purification.

This Purification is a new level of your Being and Unity Consciousness. This has evolved, making Harmony possible within and worldwide. Read the rest of this entry »


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